Oh I got a beat up 93 I want to do some work to! :D I fucking love that car.
Oh I got a beat up 93 I want to do some work to! :D I fucking love that car.
Lounge wear is all I feel like wearing anymore so I just started sewing really cute stuff that is comfortable. It is possible to have the best of both worlds! Why truly nice lounge wear is impossible to find I do not know. It can be more than velour pants and hoodies.
Yes. Well put.
That sounds delightful.
It evolved from the pin up kissy face.
Yeah, I think of this stuff as the protective layer I would put on before putting on my respirator and going scuba diving. Like, it's a thick wax layer so it protects from rubbing well. But everyday? Gah.
Yeah, I think of this stuff as the protective layer I would put on before putting on my respirator and going scuba…
deep breaths.
This would be me every flight. You fuckers are trapped, now check out my sweet moves!
Don't worry, they can do both! If they are in good spirits like that it means everything is going smoothly hahaha
Nahhh, not that cheese. And is that is a cracker.
So it's crazy rich, but they think of it as a snack?
I sent my dead Italian ancestors to haunt that motherfucker. That was some fighting words.
Hey now, I know one thing about Baltimore and that is John Waters lives there. So obviously it's an awesome fairy land of tacky bad taste.
But you just LOOOOOOOOVE New York! :D
Oh, I'm God damned adorable.
I think what you mean is in your experience women do not enjoy sex with you as much.
Ugh, that's gross! I carry a knife because I like to drive with the top down and guys LOVE to talk to me because I'm exposed. I swear I will stab a fucker and ask questions later. There is NO reason to put your hands on someone in their car! I would assume you are being attacked!