Club promoting, ext. She gets paid a hell of a lot to hang out. I'm jealous.
Club promoting, ext. She gets paid a hell of a lot to hang out. I'm jealous.
It does leave very little to the imagination. This is by no means a read, I snap titty pics all the damn time. I just mean it's a fact.
It's actually one of my favorite names. I'm never having kids though and dogs DGAF.
Not only that color, but that is the ass you knit some shorts for?
Damn, wtf? Does she weld, or go scrape barnacles off a ship for fun? What a shit head.
I know saying anything would have made it worse so I'm just gonna ball tap if they ever do it again.
"I'm sorry, we didn't order a chopped salad on burnt bread."
I have been to a few "fancy" parties. A lot of the stuff that was "so classy" reminded me of strip clubs and white snake videos. Money and taste are two different things.
Scratch old and white off that and you are right. I left the bar with friends the other night partly because I was sick of the boys touching my fucking face. What the hell?
Hey man, my ponchos are for fashion, warmth, and maybe hiding a small dog. No peeing!
What, ya mean them flying contraptions have terlets?
wtf? They have halal meats there? That's awesome I gotta look!
I know you are trying to be funny, but you do know that you can wear pieces different from how the stores or models style them. Right? Like I read how people mock fashion here and it usually sounds like they don't understand that you are not supposed to necessarily take a look right off the runway. Or that there are…
Nope, I would look fabulous in it.
oooh damn, need that dress.
I figured he liked being flogged or some shit. Who knows.
If getting glitter on yourself is assaultish then I was assaultished in third grade when my friend mailed her birthday invitations with glitter in them.
Those are easy to clean up though. Just close the box and throw it away. Glitter really is the way to go. The carpet will be forever glamorous.
Ah, but there is not throwing.
that's the name of every American style pizza joint out here. No idea why, they must think it sounds good.