
I'm sending the ghosts of my Italian ancestors to your house to get you for saying such things.

battered pizza? GET OUT.

Ohhhh, I do love a online bad boy! *winks*

Almond oil is my favorite. I also don't wash my hair without coating the ends almond oil that has some rosemary oil mixed in. I also massage that into my scalp to help keep it happy and encourage growth. By oiling my hair first it is not so dry after, but my roots are still really clean.

Yep. To freshen up my beach waves I have a spray bottle with water and a little hair oil and some lavender in it. Spray on, reshape, done.

Read what ninja Cate wrote about it.

He is in a massive position of power over her. Look at Porn Stashe, could you say no to him? Good thing it's just a show and I still want want to fuck him rotten.

Those are hot!

Ohhh yeah. Forcing teens to read books that appeal more to adults is really a weird way to go about it.

Nothing makes me hate a good book like being forced to read it when I rather read something else.

Oh yeah. I know all about that.

I got really good at tying my hair up all cute and pin up like with scarves to cover some crazy stuff I didn't want to explain haha.

Some are mad that money can't make your hair do magical things. Which is a BIG reason why I left the salons!

Unless she were to hide for a week or two while her hair is being processed you are going to step out with it in the works at some point. I have never once seen someone as dark as her go platinum in one day and have it look good.

Still sorry you are bad in bed. Maybe you can take lessons somewhere?

You're welcome :D

Ah. If someone does something different from you they are an asshole. Got it.

Well call Ted up and tell him he is a chump and an asshole and that he should feel bad about himself for being stupid and not a smart guy like you. Anyone that does something nice for a person is obviously stealing jobs!

I want one that I can fix to my waist and film myself while walking. Or driving. But that is for video, not just pictures.

Nah, walking is easy for me. Using my chest and arm muscles is not. Calm down, everyone is happy but you.