I told my husband if he ever moves me to some frozen land then I'm making a deal with the neighbors. If I never have to shovel out my car or walk way,then my curtains will always be open for my naked dance parties.
I told my husband if he ever moves me to some frozen land then I'm making a deal with the neighbors. If I never have to shovel out my car or walk way,then my curtains will always be open for my naked dance parties.
oh MP people are either super cool, or fucking moronic kids that are positive they know everything there is to know about everything everywhere :D I don't mind them being wrong. Thanks for being cool though, Helga Phugly forever!!
They can be as wrong as they want to be I guess. What people want to believe does not change reality. And in the air the are just another rando passenger and not in charge so...
Don't bro me, dick.
Because knowledge is power!
hahaha ignorance as to what is good sex?
5 stars. Would read again.
If you don't have the Yelp app on your phone, I actually pity you.
You are bad at sex. This comment tells me that straight out, in very plain language.
You sure are precious.
Ok dear. You know flight protocol I'm sure.
Every single plane crash is catastrophic with no survivors? Every single one? Woah that's rough.
Just letting you know the regulations that are written. Best friend is a flight attendant so she actually has to enforce these things.
I know what the flight attendants are trained to do, which is more than you can say apparently. Your argument is uneducated and ignorant.
Yeah but who are you? Not the person that the lawsuit is directed at, that would be the flight attendant so what you think does not really matter I'm afraid.
Uh, ok.
Woah, you are not supposed to do that. If they crash he can't get out. BIG lawsuit. You can tape the shit out of them (and should) but you gotta make sure they can escape :/
I think she would prefer a medal.