Basic Bitch

Oh it was surly a fight where I couldn't take sides. But his picking on her had very little (if anything) to do with her weight. He would have been an ass if she was built like Twiggy.

True story: I was once at a party at the 1st Etsy offices and she was there. I was more than a little drunk and my friends had to hold

She went on to say, "I'm more interested in, you know, SpaceX and Tesla, what's going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities."

It's not surprising if you listen to her music.

EXACTLY. Nowadays I usually do 2 or 3 hits off a bong, then leave it 20 minutes and see how I feel. The last few times I left rolling/packing to friends I ended up not feeling my legs because I smoked too quickly.

Scott Disick is a really likable asshole. He and Khloe are the best Kardashian family members.

That is the face of a woman who doesn't get attitude from others very often.

Someone please post the GIF of him responding to Kim when they were sent a free yoga membership. I don't watch the show, but seeing that made me love this man for life.

No joke - did you hear that Ken "Iron Jorts" Laurence is up for consideration to be brought back to season thirteen? That guy was bloody bananas. I really think I'm finally done with that show.

I don't understand why if you're a certain size, designers think your taste level goes down and you have less money to spend.

Ugh, the "real woman" challenge. Probably the season where eventual winner Neck Tattoo made someone's mother cry.

If you're going to be racist at least be accurate. Ricky Ricardo was Cuban. Mariachis are Mexican. And Awesome.

Isn't Sisyphus a character from Greek Mythology?

LOL wut

Thank you so much for getting HIPAA right! I even see healthcare attorneys make the mistake of HIPPA.

If her aunt really loved her, she would have bought her a vibrator.

Do they come in sizes like men's condoms? Because if so, I really want some XXL Magnum ones. Have one peeking out of my wallet during dates, maybe accidentally let it fall out onto the table when I'm getting my credit card out so I can impress everyone with my size.

let's see how many we can get of nene

Once I smoked unexpectedly potent weed right before watching Apocalypse Now for the first time.