Basic Bitch

I was born in Wyoming, and I'm pretty sure nobody in the UK knows where the hell that is.


My target day was 28 days ago. I got married 44 days ago. /flex

WAIT. THE WHOLE ALGORITHM IS BASED ON WHEN YOUR IDIOT FRIENDS GOT MARRIED? Excuse me, I have a date with some lemmings. I mean, seriously? You need a special app to remind of what Facebook is already constantly reminding you of? (Namely, that all your friends are getting married and you still don't give a shit.)

This app is shite. According to it, I have 10 months and 25 days to get married. However, I've been married for 12 fucking years. I think my husband would be plenty pissed decided to get married in 10 months.

"I'd like to see something more sport's specific from her." Says the man sitting behind a desk.

Still the Queen

Clearly she's done her fair share of sports specific warm-ups to get to this point in her career. She made it to the Olympics, let the girl dance!!

I came in like a wiffle ball...

you GUYS. I am a regular jezzie and Kate Hansen is my cousin. I just am so excited to see her on here. she's seriously this amazing, funny, and dance-y in real life. she's doing great for a first time Olympian and we are so proud of her. couldn't have someone better to rep the family - she's so great. USofkAte!

If she's anything like me, it's "Get Me Bodied." One does not simply listen to that song.

"I would like to see something a little more 'sports-specific' from her"...

I want Ellen to invite her on her show so they can dance together. That would be amazing. (Although she is totally amazing all be herself.) She can rock AND she's an Olympic athlete.

Has anyone asked her what she is ACTUALLY listening to? Because I would love to know the music that inspires such an awesome dance party of one. Also, eff that commentator. Dance is THE BEST way to relieve stress, IMHO. Go on with your bad self, lady! ETA: I know it's Beyonce. But is it Sasha Fierce Beyonce? Crazy In

Ginuine's Pony was actually the US Dressage team's theme song for the Summer Olympics. You should see the footage of Ann Romney and Rafalca rocking out to that jam.

Completely beside the point, but how pretty is her hair?!

Here's your 'sports specific'

this gif KILLLLLLED me! 1) i love john cena for no good reason 2) thats my face 99% of the day.