Basic Bitch

Or you can look at it as training wheels. I never had separation anxiety at daycare or school or anything, but I'd freak out if I tried to sleep at someone else's house until I was 9 or 10. We just called them "almost-sleepovers."

Virtually every unsigned artist does this at least once a year. But if an album drops in a forest and no one cares....


my friends proposal was caught by a photographer who was taking pics of the scene, saw them, thought it was sweet and took a pic. he then went over and got their info and sent them the amazing pic which now hangs in their home :)

Here's who I'm glad I'm not right now:

DC has made me a thousand times more aggressive for exactly the reasons you state.

See, this is what happens when you grow up (and mostly reside) in a warm climate. You don't know these things. And then, suddenly, you have to go to a funeral in St. Louis in January and you're standing graveside in a Cookie Monster blue puffy coat.

It's really odd - but I ended up marrying a man that doesn't look like my dad, but looks like he's related to me.

That's mighty big of you. Either you've never been harassed to this degree, or you're talking out your ass, which is it?

There's plenty of things you can make out of the brain and eyes and the meat of the face. Think outside the box.

Hands, feet, lower limbs, upper limbs, head and torso into 3, or torso into 4 and lose the head (seriously, who'd eat a head?) .

I used to fly enough to probably have elevated cancer risk, so I'm like, an expert and stuff. Also, a lot of this is going to come out really cranky because I'm sick and hate everything right now.

Maybe they think their tiny angelic feet are so lovely and small that they can't possibly be felt through the seat.

Any fans of IT Crowd here? I had a sudden vision of a child called Moss Green.

The black is a bit harsh, isn't it? Maybe it's just that she needs to adjust her makeup, put a bit more colour on her cheeks or something? But still I think a deep brown with red undertones would've worked better. Also she needs to do something about those eyebrows. 1996 called.

Near the building's entrance, a large silver unicorn sculpture is missing its horn.

Make that three photos of her on the Internet:

Bright colors, uncontrollable violence, and terrible decision-making ability.

I usually get my mom a date night for her and her boyfriend. A gift certificate to a restaurant, and a gift certificate to some local theater/music hall/museum, etc.

I follow a guy on YouTube called Goss Makeup artist and he's got some suggestions and techniques to offer up! Another good source for foundation info can be found via a YouTube account called Pixiwoo.