Basic Bitch

That is exactly what we did: went to a courthouse, then a brewery. I sent an email letting folks know, which included the phrase "meals range from $9-20, no gifts please." We figured very few people would show up since it was a workday (courthouse isn't open on weekends). But we got a nice turnout, the party lasted

That sucks.

I like this one best.

It says it's a contact in the article.

see you, raise you:


Lorde looks cute in her suit! LOLing at the choker, tho.

Josh Hutcherson kinda just looks like squirtle to me.

A hand-cranked ice cream freezer tones up the arms, too. Just sayin'.

Yeah, I tend to prefer dark hair, and so I'll rarely argue someone looks better with lighter hair.

She'll get over it when you give her a grandchild.

She may be lovely, but if she brings the "skirt over trousers" look back into fashion, I shall not most seriously displeased. That has to be one of the worst looks of all time. Skirts are skirts and trousers are trousers and never the twain shall (should) meet!

Am I only person in the English speaking world who thought Moulin Rouge was awful?

Now playing

All of you need to treat yourselves to The Apple.

I've told the story before, but it needs repeating. I once gave my horrible sister-in-law (now EX SIL *high five divorce lawyer*) a box of tampons and some soap. She'd rejected my cookie tray as an unacceptable gift. I decided to return the gesture with an actual unacceptable gift :D

Guys - I went to college with Chet Haze. I'm so embarrassed. But I will say, he got significantly more attractive as he got older.

Absolutely. I have great parents and my sister is a total dickbag!