Put this shit on a pillow and then put that pillow on my bed.
Hiiiii, so happy to be here.
OMG- he has a vitamix and and a Nespresso machine. We have soo much in common!
I work in a sex shop, and no joke, Idris is the most frequently mentioned celebrity, regardless of race/class/gender.
People are allowed to irrationally dislike celebrities. To a lot of us, Adam Levine has an annoying face and seems like kind of a self-involved douche. You're taking this way too seriously with your long list of felonies he hasn't committed.
This makes my ladyparts twitch in the best way possible. Is it the potatoes? Am I a freak??????
Oooh, me too. I kept thinking, "Tom Hiddleston has an all white kitchen, and I have an all white kitchen!! Clearly we were meant to be."
I wear Lip Tar (so stainy!) in red or fuschia fairly often, and I worry way more about trying not to stain Mr. Wombat's face than he does. He would (and does) gladly walk the mean streets of Philly covered in bright pink lip prints.
A whole legion of men unwilling to kiss Marilyn Monroe and unaware of such a thing as lip stain and kiss-resistant lipstick.
Cool Ranch Doritos. Seriously? Dude, I would rather eat a sack of doorknobs filled with broken glass and mayonnaise.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with admiring this fine man and his humanitarian message while also picturing what you'd like to do to him in that very white kitchen. In my version of events, the oven mitt stays on the whole time.
I realize that video is supposed to be serious business but there's a few seconds where he runs his hand from his neck down to his chest and man alive is it doing things to me. Also that oven mitt. It never even occurred to me that an over mitt could be sexy.