
Cold weather? Atlanta is known for many things, but cold weather isn’t one of them.

There was a gang rape case of a tween in the south a bit ago where they excused it in the same way. The girl looked older, hung out with older boys and she was “fast” so it somehow wasn’t as big of a deal. 

I don’t know how to empower her enough when dealing with men,”

I was explaining R. Kelly to my parents last night and it was so sad to say “Well actually, this started years ago when that tape came out.” And yet now it’s this huge thing and we’re finally paying attention and in the meantime so many more women were harmed. Those defending him after all these years? Disgusting.

When the tape of him peeing on a girl came out, I heard many people (both men and women) try to justify saying that she didn’t look like a child and she was probably fast. And my response was always, you wouldn’t make that excuse if she was your daughter.

Have you never been taught American history? Or been to a 4th of July celebration? The forced reverence of this country’s Founding Fathers is pretty much standard, including every time we spend money, for instance. This is a lame argument.

It’s not about ignoring Beto, or Gillum or anyone. It’s about the fact that what she accomplished is actually more impressive than what they accomplished - even though they all lost but she isn’t getting the national shine. Georgia is more Red than Texas and certainly more than Florida. Plus as woman she faced

Uhm No....Similar efforts in a less red state would probably lead to an electoral victory. Besides, the top of the ticket in Texas, Florida and Georgia especially pushed alot of down ballot races over the top.

Yep, if we lived in a civilized society they would be rounded up and thrown in jail.  

Y’all Queda?

Bravo! Also, if you’re feeling down, here are some inspiring words Tweeted out by an American hero yesterday...

American Taliban up in here. These people get radicalized domestically, and somehow “it’s just their opinion, man”

The fact that this exists and the page is still active proves that Mark Zuckerberg is just as big of a fucking idiot as Trump.  Facebook's Terms & Conditions are meaningless and are only selectively enforced when it suits their bottom line.

Threats of violence intended to influence political events.  That’s the literal definition of fucking terrorism right there.  

I see these fucking 3% assholes all over here in NC with the stickers on their trucks. They’re advertising that they’re terrorists and get to just walk around free.  Fucking Vanilla ISIS.

When reached for comment Brian Kemp confirmed he has opened an investigation into the Democratic Party of Georgia to get to the bottom of this.

I am not responding to a eulogy at a private ceremony or some article in some small Pittsburgh-based periodical. This is a piece in The Washington Post. An opinion piece premised on a lie, with multiple lies in its text and a lying-ass title. And these are the sorts of Pollyanna-ish lies that literally endanger

I was pretty shocked that it’s standard for the first maternal postpartum checkup (in the US, anyways) to be 6 weeks after the birth - the baby’s had 3, maybe 4 checkups by then, and especially with a first baby, the mom has next to no clue how to tell normal recovery symptoms from things that might be a problem. I

There are parts of this country where pregnant women must drive 45 minutes to an hour to get to a maternity hospital. The amount of money and advertising that is spent on a hospital’s neo-natal department is astounding, yet they spend so little money on maternal care. The rest of the industrial world have maternal

I can’t imagine the joy of having a child, then a complete 180 of losing your wife and brand new child’s mother. When my wife was going through childbirth, she had preeclampsia and it scared the shit out me. I didn’t know what was going to happen. Luckily the nurses and doctors stayed on it and both our son and my