
R Kelly is a perfect example of how art can't be separated from the artist. How can you ethically consume art without supporting the person who made it? How do you ignore the reflection of the artist's expression? You have to be heartless and willfully blind. It defeats the whole purpose of art.

Let’s see: Still takes money from NRA. Still refuses to do anything regarding legislation on bump stocks and assault rifles. Still sucks up to Trump. I mean with all due respect officer this a rhetorical question right? I mean you pretty much have your answer.

Whose side are you on? Gun manufacturers, the gun lobby—or the children that are getting gunned down in this country every single day?”

Lol at Cruz saying he “worked in law enforcement.” He worked at the DOJ for a bit and then was solicitor general of Texas. During that time, he worked as hard as possible to prevent any restrictions on gun ownership. He’s also worked for the NRA in private practice. 

I have nothing but hatred towards Thurman and his ilk. Black women have enough to worry about without Black men attacking and raping and killing them too.

Three flavors of policing on display right there with each flavor represented by its own form of bias.

From what I’ve been reading Pelosi’s hate on for AOC and her peers is because AOC unseated one of her pals. Since Pelosi (and Clay it seems) is a “stay on the gravy train at all costs” type of politician she’s been on the attack against anyone and anything that might fuck that up for her.

I hope she fails. America is

Get it in Lacy!

Was thinking something similar. Reading he has already been terminated was good, but I wish it happened more often with abuses of power and so quickly. 

Prosecutors have discretion they can use it, when they choose to do so. Given the circumstances this is most certainly one of those times when they could and should have used it.

It may not be anyone's choice to charge her. Many laws about child abuse have mandatory actions. There is, however, no excuse for journalists to publish her name.

I’m vehemently against the death penalty for a myriad of reasons but cases like this certainly test that belief...

Rignt? For the child’s sake (I assume infant means “too young to remember things later”) this could have been all swept under the rug, if the mother wanted that route and was instead provided the best counselors Louisiana could muster. But they chose to put both victims into the system and publicize everything, making

Don’t think about the video evidence. Imagine if there wasn’t and it was her word against his. She would be jail right now looking at life.

Good. Glad he has been fired and ought to be facing jail. But, gotta say it, looks like someone forgot that being blue don’t compensate for not being white. White boy would have got away with it.

This is horrifying. The mother is also a victim here. The infant won't remember this, but she will have to cope with those memories for the rest of her life. Prosecuting her is beyond wrong. So is blasting her name everywhere. I can't even begin to imagine how awful she feels.

People like him just need to be disposed of. Ain’t no damn jail, nor any amount of it, that can do anything to fix that. I hope that woman can get whatever sort of psychological help available to help her move forward. I feel like vomiting.

This is so sick and unholy. On so many levels. He did this to a black woman because he knew she would be powerless to stop him. He needs to be buried alive.

I wonder what other fucked up shit this pig perpetrated with the power of his badge.

Why the hell was this woman charged and why are her name and picture in the media? She is the alleged victim of a sexual assault.