
Michael, you left out “manage to be registered and not wiped from the rolls, not denied the vote for a hyphen in their name, go vote—-and then see their vote vanish in a decrepit “electronic only” voting system that somehow didn’t count their vote. :(

Best hope is that *enough* of the “I don’t vote” people who *can*

This is what I said to someone complaining about “censorship” against Chappelle in this:


To the people insisting “she should have just refused and gone to jail,” I want all y’all to think about the state of our country today, how cops are killing Black people and facing no accountability, and ask yourself this:

“When the man ran into the restaurant and lunged at someone asking him to leave, a black woman who appeared to have the day off from her full-time job as a member of the Dora Milaje, lept into action.”

That, right there—-had me both belly-laughing and cheering at my computer.

We women are getting fed up; Black women are

Here’s another one for you folks:

Nope; at least, not the many forced-birthers responding in the local (Georgia) media’s Facebook posts about this law: the consensus is, they say “That’s the PARENT’S responsibility, not the state.” They don’t bat an eyelash at the idea of those people BEING parents only because these people and their laws forced

THANK YOU MICHAEL! That is a terrific, fact-packed summation of the issue.

And on the recent “scandal,” yep that’s lower-level (money/power) wealthy Whites—-where’s the condemnation in articles about it of the “upper tier” of it, as in the Kirshners and the Trumps? There are literally two products of this “donate

This article: WARNING! AOC LIVES IN AN AFFORDABLE APARTMENT. (Oh, and Trump flunkies live nearby, so she must be awful.)

Just a heads-up: at the end you said he was from Florida, not Georgia.

Of course, that’s an easy mistake to make, considering the two states and the blatant racism in both. But this one’s on GA. :( 

I disagree with your politics editor Jason Johnson, when he says there’s no reason someone would rig this race—-you said the reason right here:

More on the school’s culture from an Episcopal priest who served in the community:

I have an older male White friend who applauded this, not because of protesting the Israeli government, nor even communism—-but because he believes she shared guilt in the courthouse murders, that she intentionally provided guns to those men, and he points to the fact that the day before, she and another person drove

If it’s a pic of one of his daughters, perhaps the real reason he doesn’t want it out is because HE had it, and he’s where they got it from (possibly a coerced selfie).

That man has said multiple creepy things about his own daughters, and a good portion of the country suspects he’s either molested them, or he wanted to

You GOTTA see this—-different White lady came back on the Ku Klux Karen:

Damon, you and your wife may not be medical professionals, but you *can* educate yourselves on the most common risks, and be able to argue with your doctors and nurses if need be. Here’s something really important, PLEASE save this and use it!

1. One of the most common issues women, especially Black women, die from is

I know what I believe: that when a woman spends years defending sexual abusers, denigrating their victims, and attempts to silence and shame said victims, and then she says “I was a victim, too,” that just makes it WORSE in some ways—-it’s like having your sister maid of honor pull out a knife and stab you in the back

No. Conway DOESN’T deserve better.

This is why I teach consent with all my might.

This is why I made sure my son understood consent before he ever had a girlfriend, and made sure *she* understood it when she came along.