
I’m pretty much done being nice to the backstabbers, the “throw you under the bus”ers. There’s been tons of people telling their stories for years now... every freaking time this topic hits mainstream media again... but STILL there are WOMEN who ask, “Why didn’t she report at the time?” and usually follow it with a

I can see Albert Burneko totally missed the point here.

I’ve often seen memes asking, “If you could have a superpower, what would you want?” I now know what I want:

I want to be able to instantly teleport to people who make calls like this, slap them in the face, tell them what a Wipipee coward they are, and with a wave of my hand, make the oncoming cops haul them to jail

As a White person (letting you in on the stuff I’ve heard “when it’s just us Whites”), I can tell you right now from crap I’ve heard since childhood, while some of it is definitely the “I want my kind to stay on top” oppressor bullshit, a great big chunk of it is fear: they’re scared shitless that if they’re no longer

Just thinking about it makes me want to vomit. Projectile. Non-stop. 

I’m calling them Wypipee now, because they have to pee all over everything, trying to “mark their territory.” :(

Warning, this is gonna be salty, because I’m goddamned PISSED:

I *will* say this:

I agree with your list (but am tempted to put McConnell up to #2, because he, Ryan, Nunes, and some others are actively aiding Trump’s dismantling of democracy, instead of putting the entire Administration up for impeachment).

It’s not *just* White Supremacy, it’s White Supremacy PLUS GREED. Money is a huge factor in the DNC’s attitudes and actions, and the actions of many Democrats in Congress. You’re absolutely right that they’d have a royal fit over pale blond Swedes (or Norwegians) being treated this way... but they rest comfortably in

Agree 100%! But I want to throw one more thing into the mix here:

It’s not one, it’s TWO Georgia Gubernatorial Republican Candidates playing this song—-and the other one is Brian Kemp, who HAPPENS to be the current Secretary of State, and who HAPPENS to be in charge of administering elections in Georgia.

LegHumper, you win the internet today; best response I’ve read all day! (Is there a way we could really make that happen, because damn it needs to.)

Well hell I hope so—-but we’ve all seen what happens when polls and articles declare a shoe-in, and people don’t bother to go VOTE because “they’re a shoe-in.”

Dude, as a parent I’m here to tell you that very small children can get away from you in the blink of an eye, in a single moment of distraction. Now, maybe they weren’t paying attention... but little children have a GENIUS at getting away the moment you take your eyes off them.

I’m a White middle-aged woman too... but that man spit on a BABY and called him a racial slur. I don’t think I could’ve held my temper on that one. I’m sure they would’ve hauled me to jail for doing my best to beat the crap out of him. I’m fed up with these White trash people. And yeah, since the damned system decided

You know, it’s kinda funny:

Perhaps she needs a mandatory stint in a mental institution, where they will work on her obvious problem with compulsive lying, and hopefully also work on her racism.
Women like this not only further racism and fuel it; they also further and fuel disbelief of real victims of sexual assaults.
Thanks for fueling further

THANK YOU! I’ve been saying much the same thing: it’s one thing to overthrow oppressors; it’s another thing to become the oppressors in turn, because you’ve internalized the monster you hate.

You know what I loved about this movie?

So much of what American culture shows—-hell, ALL of what American culture shows, of Black people, is “under a system of oppression.” I’m all for complete, real history (not the whitewashed crap we get in textbooks). I’m all for telling the whole story, and part of that story