
What stuns me the most is the number of men who say things like “she must have wanted it”. Sure. That’s right. What woman wouldn’t WANT to be brutally assaulted by an unknown number of bigger and stronger people and treated like a disposable object? Men, imagine that you are raped by a large number of larger and

I’ve seen it before; the author/perpetrator probably thinks his atonement is educating himself, writing this book (to inform others) and generally prospering. Some brain disconnects don’t re-grow: one is an obligation of debt to anyone deemed unworthy. See Vanessa was only ‘partly human’ cuz she was a girl and just som

From the profile:

Having grown up in a similar environment as Nathan McCall, I can relate to how young men were socialized to think about “trains”. Looking back it makes me thankful that I had a strong mom and 2 older sisters who sensitized me to plight of women and who would have literally skinned me alive if they heard I ever

I feel you. I feel like my my whole chest cavity/stomach is going to physically explode from all the anger, sadness, and impotence I feel right now. I want it out and gone, but no matter how much I cry or scream, it just fills back up, unending. I feel so helpless and hopeless


And this column was published in the Washington Post today: “I watched a rape. For five decades, I did nothing.” It’s the author’s account of watching and participating in the gang rape and gang molestation of 2 unconscious  girls when he was a teen.

The fact that you are even asking this question at this point is deeply insulting.

Thank you Issac.

Now consider this worthless piece of shit, along with those other worthless pieces of shit in the republican party, participating in america’s collective train for the scotus...and the “tribute” they paid to the young lady in their yearbook.

Because the statute of limitations for rape, until very recently, was usually 3-5 years, or lower.

Mika three down the gauntlet because she said Dr Ford was treated gently and with care. So she challenged her to invite the same treatment.

I think the challenge was not because Mika didn’t believe her, but she was challenging her view that women who accuse people publicly are treated like Faberge eggs.  

She was basically saying to Ford and her supporters “I got assaulted too and you don’t hear me screaming about it. You fucking snowflakes need to suck it up and leave Brett alone.

She deserves exactly the same courtesy she is showing Dr. Ford, I’d say.

No, fuck that. If she wants to play that game, she needs to be put on the spot and tell it. She can’t, out of one side of her mouth, claim that, and then out of the other side, act like it’s not a big deal.

Nope. She has carried an ocean’s full of water for this piece of fucking shit of an administration.

Yeah all she deserves is to be treated the way she believes victims should be treated. Can’t treat her like a “Fabergé Egg”. Let’s not put kid gloves on for her. 

It’s this issue, it’s Kavanaugh... what the fuck is this shit and why do we keep allowing it to happen??? Too many women excuse horrible behavior done to other women, and the worst type to me are the ones that go “well something similar or worse happened to me and I got over it/got mine without noise so why are we