Bronson Arroyo's Cornrows

Sir, this is a McDonald’s drive-thru.

His 14:59 minutes of fame expired a long time ago.

Klobuchar’s problem isn’t “pop feminism.” Klobuchar’s problem is running in a Democratic primary where she constantly uses right-wing - not conservative, not Republican, but full-on right-wing - framing when differentiating herself, particularly with Warren.

Ya know..

Fair take is a fair take. The central problem with Klobuchar isn’t inherently feminist or non-feminist, though it has deeply feminist implications.

All of this. Her shot at Pete was true, but it rang hollow coming from Klob. When the woman known for targeting other women in her own employ with terrible anti-women policies attempts to play the “equality card” it just makes feminism look like a joke.

Equality for me, but not for thee.

Way too many multi syllable words in there to capture 45's essence.

For the record: Ivanka does *NOT* like being referred to as ‘some broad’.

Hello, brother, have you heard the Gospel of the Lovable Loser?”
-Northsiders, people from nowhere near Chicago who grew up with WGN

Yea to be honest I don’t mind Joe Buck at all. I don’t get the overwhelming dislike/hatred this guy gets.

MLB instructed the home team to wear alternate jerseys so the president is the only obvious white national in the stadium.

Well, lah-di-dah, Mr./Mrs. “I don’t need to be mauled to make $30K.” Down here at the 300-lb. Guys Mauling You factory, we get mauled constantly and rest our dirty faces easy knowing that we made an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work. SMH at you East Coast Elites with your no-mauling philosophies. There’s just

Not only is this guy a complete and total shithead...this situation has me rooting for the <looks around....whispers> the Nationals.

Bob Seager- the Bruce of Michigan

You go into a slack to try to find a single person to talk to about why there are no cigarettes in the Yesterday universe one time, and you create a monster.

I know that things on the internet can get pretty heated and a lot of people say things they don’t really mean because they are protected by the cloak of anonymity, so I want you to understand how sincere I am when I say I hope you die in a fire.

Alright, let me just say this once so everyone knows the truth: just because something is complex and difficult, doesn’t mean it sounds good. I guess what I’m trying to say is that STEELY DAN SUCKS SHIT

Oh so its funny when they fall off the wagon, but not when I do?