
All my friends have them too! In fact, based on the photos that result, it appears that at times there must be multiple poundage-adding cameras on me.

I don't understand where people get this idea that YA readers and readers of classic literature are somehow mutually exclusive. I read a great deal of YA, and guess what? I read a great deal of the classics and literary novels, too! I even read Ulysses and was bored to tears. It's pretty damn insulting to see comments

UGH. This old argument again...

I have a feeling Catcher in the Rye might be marketed as YA literature if it were being published in 2014 anyway. Maybe the same with Lord of the Flies. These categorizations seem driven more by the publishers' marketing decisions than with the actual content in a lot of cases.

People like this woman are almost borderline evil. They rend your soul to pieces with such harmless little phrases like "be reasonable", "redefine your expectations" and "act your age". It's these small phrases that always do the most damage. Tiny little cuts given by small minds to wear us down.

I have a pre-prenup. I call it "standards."

Anyone who references Mars Attacks is a-ok in my book.

I for one welcome these manly new hurricanes.

Let's face it... even if she could talk to dead people, your grandmother is probably too busy getting double-teamed by Socrates and Henry the Eighth.

Nah man. I don't care if it's only a placebo effect, my acupuncturist aided, in some way, my being able to function during my period after 2 decades of doctors being not good at it and giving me 0 solutions. Imma give her that money willingly so long as my golf ball sized blood clots and Dexter crime scene uterine

On the one hand, obviously psychics are full of it. On the other hand, I would love for ghosts to be real. So... I guess she's giving some people what they want. As long as she's not getting into Sylvia Brown territory, I think it's largely benign.

My first digital camera (a small point and shoot) had a separate underwater casing...the instruction booklet contained the phrase "do not use as a personal flotation device". There is no underestimating the clueless.

Oh god. I have just clenched everything.

It's a real shame that we live in a society where someone has to tell you not to fuck yourself with a hot curling iron. That's insane.

I gotta agree. My husband hurt his leg and put ice on it. The ice froze his leg and left scars. Someone needs to show us how to sue water.

I read somewhere that for a newborn, human contact and touch is as important as food. I totally understand where you are coming from. When my little boy was born I was totally stupified by this tiny bundle of neediness who really, truly needed to touch and be connect with someone. It was and still is

If it's not it should be. I'll pay the expenses.

It was my mom. And the answer is yes and no. My mom is a needy mom. She wants her children close and she is not above using emotional manipulation to achieve this end. Fortunately, she knows this about herself, so she's constantly self-correcting. Overall, she's a great mom because she is accutely aware of how shitty

My grandmother was also raised in an orphanage. She too had a need for love and acceptance that could not be filled.

For some reason the candy part really got to me. My grandmother was raised in an orphanage. As a mother she was a true enigma: detached but protective, concerned but cold, abusive but in desperate need of love and acceptance. She was a black girl in an orphanage in the 1940s. She didn't know much about love. I'm sure