
Oh, good point. The social connections makes you accountable—so you can't be a douche without facing sanctions.

My heart broke a little for you. Fuck him. And his scaredy cat little immature ghosting act.

Now, for sure, I will actively discourage people from spending money on him. I had no feelings one way or another, until now HOMER? HEMINGWAY? No way, amigo.

FUCK YES. It's about time that it is commonplace.


If that doesn't shame people into tipping better, then there is no hope for them at all.

OK. You seem really defensive about this, and I was only providing an alternative perspective. I'm not interested in engaging in an internet debate over this. Have fun.

Um, not so much for me. I had more of a, "we're sure sucking at this society thing so let's look at some other places for inspiration" kind of vibe from the article.

It's the Coles notes version. If interested, we can go and search further.


I know she's messed up and has issues, but she doesn't seem to. I would actually like if she moved along and let other people who have something to contribute to the public arena IN the public arena.

I'm weirdly proud of her for rebuffing him.

Yeah, I'm feeling a little smug right now too.

I've just gone apoplectic.

Fuck yes! Let me sauce up my cow any way I want! You did a reduction? Good for you! GIVE ME THE STEAK AND STEAK SAUCE, MOTHERFUCKER.

SO MUCH WIENER. And I like wiener.

I really like you, SFWTG.

Ah! I see! I have never actually talked my liver into it! It's always just been dragged along for the ride. I see the error of my ways!

I still think it's inappropriate to point the finger at the fetus.

All apologies. What I have in faux-outrage, you obviously make up for in real outrage. Welcome!