
It's like the moment it stops being a food source to children it has the potential to be a source of dirty thoughts for children. And sometimes before. So for the love of god, breast feed, or your baby dies!!!! But don't ever let your baby actually see the nipple it's latched onto, because it'll be a dysfunctional

Everything I've heard about Chris Evans states that he is a Good Guy (NOT a "Nice Guy") and very sweet.

They didn't even question my presence. I picked a butch name and everyone just assumed I was one of them. I didn't even have to say anything.

It's one thing to SUPPOSE there are people who think That Asshole (won't use his name) is a hero for his murders. It's HORRIFYING to read their praise and their tiny-minded ranting. Ick. They REALLY BELIEVE that 16 year old 'fit' female virgins are the highest attainable goal. O RLY? And that taking her by force is

You know what? No.

Yes, just came here to say this. I read the manifesto, and in his later teen years and all through his college years, he never actually asked any of these women out. He didn't even talk to them! He just would go out in public and get upset that women didn't approach him, or grow furious when he saw couples out in

Wasn't she ten, at the time, and he twelve, when he sustained this crush ...?

Or that we are only supposed to grieve over murdered women when they were "beautiful young women". If you are old and ugly nobody sheds a tear.

I think if people just drop the entitlement it will go easier. Go for the 10s because you don't know what they'll like. I was bitchy to my bf when we first met cause I thought no way would a cute, funny & smart body builder ever go for the fat weird chick. But he did and some guys are still mean to me, like to tell me

Maybe he "felt invisible" and was a virgin because he hated women and women can sometimes sense those kinds of things? I also tend to avoid men who hate women.

Hi. Maybe you're a nice guy, underneath the narcissism and immaturity. Get a job. Do some volunteer work. Find a hobby that you enjoy that puts you in contact with women. With time you'll see that you are not the center of the universe, that other people don't exist for your sake and if they're not paying attention to

'Cause not following your gut is how you end up in a body bag, asshole. Your biggest worry when dating is your shriveled up dick, ours is not ending up fucking dead. Fuck off!

I've known lots of shy guys. I even dated a few. They were sweet, and never made feel like they might hurt me and never gave off creepy vibes. Creep != shy. In fact, some of the creepiest guys I've known were outgoing. No one thinks shy people are creepy. They think creepy people are creepy.

Plenty of women feel invisible and unwanted by men too. Most people don't want to be lonely and not have anyone to have sex with.
That doesn't mean that anyone is obligated to have sex with anyone else.

What was wrong with him was that he couldn't force the pretty blonde women to fuck him. These were not cries for help (and what help would you propose for a man who thinks he is owed sex?). This was a psycho, and yes, a creep. Hypergamy? I wouldn't consider a woman not going out with a guy who posts YouTube videos and

I literally just laughed out loud. Like a true lol. Yes, you figured me out. Troll. Totally trolling the replies by some random, to my own original comment, on a website that I have at least a moderate posting history on. I am such a troll.

Exactly, his entitlement made him invisible. Women don't like to be treated like blowup dolls. To this segment of the population the only distinguishing features on women are hair, eye, and skin color. Also no fatties.

Dear wizards, You don't need cars, money, height or looks to attract women. All you really need is to not give us a feeling that you might secretly want to rape and kill us. Bonus points if you don't call us a whore.

I could have my facts mixed up, but I believe I read somewhere that the tradition of wearing white at a wedding had to do with the bride's family's wealth. Up until the Victorian Era, a daughter only owned two or three dresses and the bride just wore her "best" dress to be married. I believe it may have been Queen

She also threw a lavish party at Versailles. Versailles!