Barry Grant

Most important thing about any sex toy is the material it’s made of. A lot of sex toys (especially the cheaper ones) are made from rubber and plastics that are not exactly healthy when you insert them in your body - they leech toxins into you. And if the material is porous then it’s never going to be fully sterile.

Factor in another $30 for a pair of those hiking pants which zip off at the knees. 

Factor in another $30 for a pair of those hiking pants which zip off at the knees. 

Now THAT’S a crash. 

So basically it’s going to take all of your properly mixed and mastered OLD music with a NATURAL dynamic range and depth, and turn it into flat-sounding modern music that’s been squashed into a sausage. It’s a form of remastering. Personally, I’ve heard very few remasters that I’ve prefered the sound of to the

They may have had one or two “hits” over the years, but count me as one of those who is generally unimpressed with Google software. I find it to be badly designed and buggy, they keep messing with layouts and setting locations, and the documentation is nearly always awful (and usually out of date given how often they

I have the opposite problem....

Nope, it’s not that at all - I see the nuances, and conclude that I couldn’t give a sh*t. 

Unions treat people like shit too. 

Hi Claire! Thanks for letting us know that you have the intellectual capacity of George Bush in your refusal to see the nuances of a complicated issue. Awesome stuff!

Well, I shall continue to do my usual thing of selecting the best products at the best prices. I couldn’t give a sh*t if the workers are unionized or not. 

The reason why it’s so much stricter for cars is that they’re 3000lb+ hunks of fast moving, reinforced steel which are capable of wiping out dozens of lives in seconds, with a mere whimsical flick of the wrist. 30,000+ people are killed by them every year, and tens of thousands more die prematurely from health

By that logic, we should ban cars ASAP. I mean if dockless scooters are so dangerous then cars are 1000x more dangerous. 

Define “massive problem.” 

Can we do something about the millions upon millions of cars that are littering our streets? You cannot move for these dockless monstrosities, people just leave them lying around at the side of the road. Why should car owners benefit from free storage? Here in NYC the roads are jam packed with cars that people only

I’ve always had bad luck with phone batteries. I never seem to get anywhere near the same usage times that other people report - I always get the “duff batch.” Until I bought an iPhone 6 Plus three years ago, that is.

Historians are going to use articles like this to chart the creeping spread of bone idleness across humanity. 

No it doesn’t. So I guess that makes you a gigantic asshole who’s just made a catastrophic fool of himself. 

I use PureText. The CTRL-SHIFT-V combination has become such second nature that I get really frustrated when I’m using a different computer and it doesn’t work. But dammit, these things should be built into Windows. It’s 2018 and the clipboard is the same as it was in 1998. There is so much useful functionality they

How about just enjoying your trip through your own eyes instead of treating it as one long series of bland, generic Instagram selfies. That should take the load off of your battery, although I’m no expert.

Ooops wrong thread