Barry Grant

Name calling is fine if the names are accurate. 


If pointing out widespread hypocrisy is “name calling” then so be it, I don’t care. The point is that one of the most often used arguments of the anti-immigration crowd is “they broke our laws” as if the act of merely breaking a law is a heinous crime in itself which justifies a life-changing punishment. Petty crime

What “anecdotal story” would this be then? And surely the onus is on someone to support the ridiculous idea that anti-immigrant patriots commit less crime than other groups. The fact is that the vast majority of crimes in this country are committed by citizens, and there’s no reason whatsoever to presume that people

But it’s a trivial, victimless crime and therefore not worth worrying about. I’m not emotional about this at all, I’ve merely stated the dispassionate truth.

I don’t have to. I don’t care how other countries do it - they don’t change the fact that in the US, undocumented workers account for a significant proportion of the GDP, which in turn contributes to the general living standard of everyone here. 

Well, if you can think of some way they’re negatively impacting your life then feel free, go ahead. 

No you’re not, you just committed a trivial misdemeanor. Really just a matter of paperwork. Nobody got hurt or had their rights abrogated. 

Actually it’s extremely hard to emigrate to this country legally, unless you’re hired by a large company which has the necessary legal backing to hire foreign workers, or you’re marrying a US citizen, or you win the Green Card Lottery. People who promote the “take the legal path to US citizenship” argument are usually

My dialog isn’t repugnant at all. I’m simply stating facts, which is that many of the so-called “patriots” who whine the loudest about illegals “breaking our laws” don’t seem to have much respect for American laws when you look into how they live their lives. I’m sorry if I don’t see an individual’s Facebook friends

No, the arguments contained in the post are what make it “the truth,” regardless of how the post was started.

He represents a tiny, tiny percentage of all immigrants. Just like the redneck “patriots” who smoke meth, abuse their kids locked in cages in their own filth and beat their spouses represent a small percentage of all redneck patriots.

Nothing you said is an argument. I am very confident about the arguments I’m making and am prepared to back them up with facts and objective reasoning. Responding to those arguments with “dude ur brainwashed” does absolutely nothing to counter those arguments. 

You’re right, there is a huge difference. Breaking the speed limit risks lives and most definitely kills people (with every 5mph over 25mph, the chance of death in a pedestrian collision rises exponentially), whereas living here illegally harms nobody. Also, being here as an undocumented immigrant isn’t a crime. It’s

Draw welfare? These immigrants are some of the most well motivated and hard working people on the planet. “There’s accountability if citizens get caught.” There’s accountability if you’re an immigrant too. They’re subject to the same laws and legal penalties for their crime. They go to jail right here in the US.

Because they’re not assholes who find pleasure in the ruination of innocent human life? 

Whenever fake bigmouth “patriots” start mouthing off about “illegals flouting our laws,” I’m always inclined to wonder how things would look if we took a peek into their own criminal history and the way they live their lives. I’d be willing to be that in virtually every case, we see someone who flouts US law on a

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