I think that unlike junk, weapons, armor and mods are not shared between linked settlements, so I've always gone back to Sanctuary to store to those things, to be safe. But I'm not sure that it is necessary. I think I'll test it out tonight.
I think that unlike junk, weapons, armor and mods are not shared between linked settlements, so I've always gone back to Sanctuary to store to those things, to be safe. But I'm not sure that it is necessary. I think I'll test it out tonight.
I'm finally getting into Fallout 4, now that I'm doing the quests. I had focused too much with settlements early in and got a little burned out. The settlers are so annoying, wanting me to get them water, food and basic human needs. They need to be more bootstrappy.
Absolutely. Tomorrow would be perfect, cause we're doing the Oryx raid tonight, if you're able/interested? Min. light required is 280.
I will definitely help out with Vault of Glass!
Fuck yes. That song is an aural orgasm.
I agree with the Six Feet Under vibe. Mrs. Billericay commented to me, and I agree, that, like that show, you really don't like any of the main characters, but they are still compelling to watch.
You summarized this scene perfectly.
Yes, he's the "perfect" mix of Jeff Winger and Larry David.
Great question!
Deathclaws scared the shit out of me, esp when I encountered them at night. Mirelurks also freaked me out.
Tits = good
Tits up = bad
Having just played through the main story & Dark Below missions again on a lower-level character, it is amazing how much better the writing is in the Taken King. I mean, I knew it was better, but now I REALLY know how much better.
Also, keep an eye out for the Eirene RR4 sniper that the Gunsmith occasionally sells. I don't have it, but it has more impact & range than the 1000 Yard Stare (which is what I've been using)
I'm down! I've done Crota a few times, but have always been led myself.
This is so true. Why can't they include all the strikes in the strike lists. And all the Crucible maps in a list. And doing the Vault of Glass the other night, while fun, felt so sad, because it is so easy, and obsolete, like my Year 1 gear is now.
Yay! I'm going to be in a full raid group tonight, but I know there is much interest in getting a 2nd, or maybe even a 3rd group going. I'll tag you in a post to see what can get organized.
At your light level, the Court of Oryx is where you should be! Engrams drop like mana from the sky!
No, it's typically very casual and ad hoc. For more team-intensive activities, like raids or Court of Oryx, we try to arrange a group for a specific day/time on our forum (check it out: forum.strats.co), but usually you just join up with whoever happens to be on. Our clan has grown considerably over the past month,…
I would be down to participate in the earlier raids! And Skolas. It would be very interesting to see how easy they are. I never once made it through the abyss area in the Crota's raid - I always had to be revived into the next area when others got through…
More Destiny, of course. Tonight a group of us are going to start the new raid - it'll be my first time, and I'm super excited about it! Other than that, I think I'm going to start leveling up my alt characters, which I haven't touched yet since the expansion. I'm really enjoying the questification they've done.