
My favorite message is from someone I summoned in Dark Souls 2. I think I was at Huntsman's Copse, and instead of waiting, decided I'd start killing things. I goofed up & died just after they spawned in, and I got the following msg: "Don't waste my time".

Everything you describe about raids is correct, but I disagree with your assessment :)

The first thing that comes to mind is the movie The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover. It was released my freshman year of college and I remember sitting in the movie theater stunned at the end of it. The colors, the music, the violence - it was so beautiful, and yet so disgusting, that it overwhelmed me.

I play with a great group I found on Our average age skews higher than the typical FPS player, and everyone has been extremely helpful. Destiny is much better when played with fun people!

Another tip: do not play Crucible together on a fireteam, because although I do not have any other proof than empirical evidence, I believe it matches you based on some avg of your fireteam's combat rating, and if you play together, you'll more than likely go up against people who will wreck Alex.

Yeah, he was real clingy.

"Next job: kick The Pursuer's ass!"

Kids these days don't even know about Firefly.

I know nothing about what any of you are talking about, but it sounds like the Pokemon tourney is going to be a surprise for your son? If so, that is so cool.

It really was a breathtaking moment. I remember being stuck at the river for a minute, thinking, how am I going to get across? And then it hit me - what would Big Bro do? I am the big - the only - brother now, and it was time to start acting like it. Brilliant.

Ha! If we're going to work on my fears, I should land into a pit of snakes strapped to my jump buddy, Pres. Donald Trump.

Oh, I meant I've developed a fear of heights.

I like to use pyro on the skeletons & dogs - Great Fireballs/Great Chaos Fireballs with a maxed out flame wrecks.

I did the DLC long after I played through the main game a few times, and I have never killed Kalameet or Manus. I used to feel bad about it, but I've learned to live with my scrub self.

I really liked Valiant Hearts, as well, and agree with your assessment. I was so afraid it was going to go the cliched Old Yeller route, and was glad it didn't.

I'll be playing Destiny, doing strikes, and Crucible, because I need to get lower-tier weapons to break down into weapon parts, so I can use them to upgrade the higher-tier weapons. It is a grind, but a fun grind when co-oping with folks. I also need to work on getting my Hunter alt leveled up.

Yes, that was it. I remember freaking out a bit when I couldn't warp out of there.

I think I did the Catacombs/Tomb of Giants after Anor Londo, or maybe Duke's Archive. But really you can go anywhere.

Sorry, I don't have any advice to offer, just the observation that I found the upgrading of weapons in Demon's Souls very confusing and complicated.

If you're serious, and so inclined, you could help me finish the last dungeon. Although I am very out of BB practice, so it could be either a very frustrating or hilarious experience.