
Having played DS2 briefly this past weekend, I really missed this mechanic.

I am so sorry for you both. Our 2 dogs died within 3 months of each other in 2013, and we still feel we are not ready to adopt again, even though we visit shelters, too. We'll know it's the right time when we see the right dog(s).

I think the songs mesh well together, probably because Midnight City is very much an 80's-inspired song, what with that sax solo at the end. I never really got into Men at Work, though, so I'm not thrilled with the result.

The show and the entire cast is great. I still giggle like a 5-year-old thinking about the blind contestant always facing the wrong way during the Hose Ceremonies.

I'm very detail-oriented. My LinkedIn profile says so.

Is no one else bothered by the headline? I think it should read

I so wish there were video of this.

I'm going by the leaked info from before E3, so it may not be 100% accurate.

You are exactly right about the atmosphere of Demon's Souls - it is fantastic. I remember thinking how alive it felt, in comparison to Dark Souls. You arrive in Lordran many years (centuries?) after the catastrophe, whereas in Boletaria, you are right in the thick of it.

Oh, I'm not very precise and lump co-op and pvp into "pvp", and I agree that sunbro-ing is more enjoyable. But I did like the arenas, and the concept of the Way of the Blue/Blue Sentinels, although mechanically it did not seem to work very well.

How is Fallout Shelter? I really would love to play, but but I'm on the Android platform.

I started Witcher 3 when it was released, and did not like the controls, so I only played through the opening tutorial. I'm waiting for the patch that is supposedly going to tweak the combat & movement before I go back to it, but all this talk about so many quests and so much content is making me anxious. I'm afraid

Here, here!

I started with 3, thought it was great, and then played 1, which I actually enjoyed, also. I never did finished 2, which everyone praises as the best of the bunch, because I just lost interest. Maybe I played them all too close together.

I would have to say Fallout 4. The first trailer did not blow me away - seemed like more of the same - but the gameplay footage really made me start salivating.

Thanks, I have not explored his other work very much, and should do so.

Yes, that will be good. I haven't played it for a long time, and I imagine there is a lot less co-op these days. Now I have an urge to drop into the Temple area to float around and listen to the beautiful music.

I am really looking forward to this, and also to the PS4 port of Journey, although I'm not sure how it could be improved.

I agree about Tender Is the Night. The Great Gatsby may be the more polished gem, but Tender Is the Night cuts much deeper.

You two have really made me want to read this. I've not really been interested in Tolstoy before, but it sounds like you have had experiences similar to when I read Middlemarch - I remember being amazed at how much insight into human relationships and life in general was expressed by someone from over a century ago,