
I miss the database that gave background info, both real-life historical and in-game fictional, about people and locations. I guess it makes sense canonically, since I believe it was Shaun who wrote the entries, and he is not in this game (at least not yet; I haven’t finished it yet).

I think everyone agrees that Destiny was sorely over-promised and under-delivered. But I started playing at House of Wolves, and having never really played any shooters before, was shocked at how much I enjoyed it. Not for the “story”; not for the striking visuals; but for the pure, visceral joy of the gunplay. I

That does sound cool, and I saw arrows for sale at a shop near the mountain, so I must have been close to getting the bow!

Thanks! If it’s an improvement on Ocarina then I will definitely need to continue. I just need to remember to save early and often.

Thanks! I just might check MK8 out, although the last time I played a Mario Kart is the 1st one on SNES, so many years ago.

Oh man, best of luck with the PT. It sounds... fun! You should break out that mat do some Dance Dance Revolution.

I bought a Wii U from eBay last week, to catch up on all MarioZeldaVania games I’ve missed over the decades (my last Nintendo console was the 64), and I’ve been playing Twilight Princess HD.

I got a Chris Christie vibe from FatNate.

I used the Alternate Movement setting but still had trouble with the Looting and Examining and the pudding pops.

The fairy tale mission was great! I guess it's missable if you choose to deal with the vampire situation the other way? Which would be a shame.

Sorry about the bad ending to Blood and Wine. I finished it this week and got a good ending that kind of hit me in the feels, it was so perfect. I understand about being burned out, though. I'm going to take a break from it and then will probably come back to clean up the question marks in Toussaint and Skellige.

Thank you for this. I played the 1st chapter of Game of Thrones, and was bummed by the shocking death ending (not sure if it is inevitable or just because of my choice), and have been hesitant to continue, thinking I should replay to try to get a better outcome. I'm glad to know I shouldn't bother at all - another

I started SoM this week and died about 10 times in the 1st 2 hours. After the tutorial missions, which were beautifully done I think, I wasn't sure where/what to do, exactly. I kept getting overrun by a mass of orcs, and I couldn't seem to finish any of them off. It got better, and I do think I'll enjoy it, but I was

This is true. No one likes talking in the men's room, but for various reasons. Like, Mike Pence doesn't want sound waves created by a male voice box to touch his exposed penis, cause it might turn him gay. I, however, just don't like talking to anyone, anywhere.

I was a kid when it was on and loved the show. Burnett & co's goofy physicality is very appealing to kids, I suspect. My fav skits were the ones where an author is writing and rewriting and rewriting a novel, and they show the characters acting out each scenario. I wonder if I'd enjoy them as much today (to the

very flawed, but… charming in its own way

I think the Rockbreakers may be the hardest beast in the game, even more than the Thunderjaws or Deathbringers.

Sandi Toksvig? I'm sorry, I'm just not a fan. I think because she reminds me of certain types of nuns from my school days. They seem friendly enough, but always have a judging demeanor, and are finding you lacking. She makes me nervous.

One of my favorite Christmas memories involves Pitfall. Sixth grade, 1982: Being the sneaky bastard I am, I found my mom's presents stash the day before Christmas Eve and saw that she had bought me Pitfall. I was so excited! We're from German Catholic stock, so we always opened gifts on Christmas Eve; Santa would come

I agree. I remember thinking those eyes on the cover promised R-rated level of horror.