Congrats! I had to switch to easy mode to allow auto-targeting, because I sucked at shooting, too.
Congrats! I had to switch to easy mode to allow auto-targeting, because I sucked at shooting, too.
I'm not sure if the co-op is better or not. I seemed to get the "Already used" or "Disappeared" a lot, but I got that a lot on PS3, too. Haven't played since the most recent patch, though.
Yup, 4 of them. It's like they went back to their MO from the latter parts of Dark Souls: Just Add More!
The two-dude boss in the Undead Crypt? Did they add someone with Veldstadt? Cause he does not need the help.
I started Destiny this past week, and I am really getting into Destiny, which is kind of amazing, as I've never been one for FPS before.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around how to level up gear. It just seems like randomally, it'll tell me "Upgrade Available" with the green plus sign, and that's when I go do it.
I enjoyed Dragon's Dogma, except for the crafting - I remember realizing at one point that I was turning Rags (or something) into Clean Cloth into Rags into Clean Cloth, because I wasn't sure what I was doing :)
I dual-wielded Caestuses (Caestae?), if that counts. I really enjoyed the 1-2 punch of the power stance.
I barely played the story, but have really enjoyed my time Online.
I loved the 1st two Pursuers I came across in Lost Bastille. By the 3rd, I was thinking, "Ok, enough." I did not bother fighting the 4th one I found, in the grassy area near the blacksmith's bonfire, with the dogs and archers.
Agreed. I started it one evening, and "clunky" is exactly how I described it, out loud, to my wife, who could not care less. I think I could get used to it; I HOPE I'll get used to it, but I won't be playing it for awhile.
I am having a hard time finding guns that I like and do decent damage. It seems like I really have to chose between high rate of fire vs. high impact, but I want both. And I have yet to figure out which enemies are weak to which type of damage.
I'm afraid to match up with random people, because I suck too much, and don't want to get yelled at or ridiculed. My delicate ego can't handle it!
It is amazing how different folks have issues with different bosses.
Same here. Yet another glaring hole in the gaming canon that I need to fill.
I started Destiny this week, slowly leveling up (level 17 now) by doing the story missions and bounties.
I love Guacamelee! I played in on PS3, and plan to play thru Hard Mode on PS4. I really felt my age in some of those levels - it took me a while to hone my reflexes and plan my jumps. The Treetops… I fear them.
That's crazy about the Keep not really making a difference.
Well, I have always thought she performed better than just a "child actress." But that's just my opinion, man.
Ok, I give! I'll see if I can talk Mrs. Billericay into attempt #4