I'd watch that show, and hate every minute of it.
I'd watch that show, and hate every minute of it.
I did kill that hunter in NG, but on my NG+ run I ended up running past him and the spiders.
I just finished NG+ and it isn't too much harder. As for the dungeons, they do start out easy/boring, then get interesting, and then the difficulty ramps up quite a bit, almost too hard for me. And it's so difficult to co-op in them.
I loved Vice City's soundtrack, and GTAV, but didn't get into the other games, too much.
I have the Journey soundtrack, and listen to it regularly at work. I do have to be careful, because it can cause tears, unexpectedly, especially the tracks Atonement, Apotheosis, and I Was Born For This.
Congrats on the platinum! I fear I will never achieve that. I finished my NG+, but not motivated to go further.
My favorite is the song from Journey, I Was Born For This. I love that the lyrics are quotes from literature from around the world. https://youtu.be/2hvX3lXViXI
I can see this is the case for a lot of people. And for those of you calling bullshit, keep in mind that A.V. Club readers are nowhere near average, least of all in media consumption.
Yes, and she didn't have a fucking yellow umbrella.
I just wanted to add my voice to the chorus praising this surprising show. It is equally hilarious, ridiculous, and heartbreaking. If you enjoyed Buffy at all, check this out. I feel they share a similar "it shouldn't work, but it totally does" quality, probably due to the great writing and amazing ensemble cast.
I am so glad the reviewer transcribed Jane's amazing break down scene. "I didn't see it coming", indeed. I felt like I had been slapped, run over by a truck, and gut-punched, all at once. Gina R. is amazing.
I really, really like what you're doing, but I can't get on board with your avatar, because Mindy Kaling is a goddess. Unless that's Kelly, then it makes sense.
This is off-topic, but I had never cared much either way for Michelle Williams until I saw Wendy & Lucy, which devastated me.
Yeah, I looked it up and apparently it's a Scotch Irish thing, that runs in a swath across the middle of the country from Virginia to Texas, and I guess wherever the people moved to.
We can share it! Or better yet, she can have it!
Ugh. This is definitely a Cincinnati-area regionalism. Warshington, D.C. Warshing machine. I cleansed this mispronunciation from my speech in my early teens.
Their cotton-pickin' hearts?
What is strange is that after being exposed to it, even after so many (oh, so many) years ago, it "makes sense" to me. I'm not sure why, but I feel like I could almost explain where or how it developed, but I cannot. Because you are right, it does not really make any sense.
Particularly speech. I feel pretty strongly that written language should follow grammatical rules as strictly as possible, but if you're just talking? Don't let nothin' hold you back, baby!
I'm from the Cincinnati area, and when I went to Boston U., I had my first encounter with someone from Tennessee, and the phrase "fixin' to", as in, "I'm fixin' to head to the Union, wanna come?"