
The least cool thing you could ever do is write and publish an article in which you call your boss "cool."

You say "I am cool" so many times, it's almost like you're trying to convince yourself.

I see some of your points, yet somehow, I feel like your argument falls a bit pants.


This is the best pair of comments I've read in four months.

Considering many of these reporters have ear pieces that force them to listen to Chris Berman during segments, I'd say its already happening.

Oh, sure, all you soccer hipsters over here acting like your "football" is better because your fans shove dildoes in the ears of your reporters. Well, you're right. Someone please do this to Chris Mortensen.

How would you feel if you looked silly for not finishing the original post and missing the punch line?

As a white person, I'd be amused. If I were from Azerbaijan, I'd be confused.

This new mascot is just as disgusting as the old one. I don't see how any team could take pride in associating itself with one of those guys who hides behind his professional credentials.

Looks like Alex Smith isn't the only one who got a buttload up front.

"This isn't impressive, we have two Upton asses" - Atlanta Braves

Undersized white receiver. He'll make an awesome New England Patriot.

It's unfortunate because Michael Sam is attempting to become the first openly gay player in the NFL, something of enormous symbolic importance, and while no one wants him to be judged by anything but his merits as a football player, many sports fans were and are rooting for him to succeed.

Whatever, Mr. Dungy.

I'm not distracted. Why are you?

You're a moron.

Probably the only black man recently to say "Oh no, I have to leave St. Louis."