Here's the thing, though: That sentence only makes real semantic sense if they're three separate entities — if you're talking about your siblings, and John Stewart, and David Foster Wallace. It doesn't REALLY make sense if the comma is functioning as a colon: your siblings are John Stewart and DFW. It's an awkward…
One word, if it's only metaphorical. Two words, if it's Delonte West.
I find it clunky and useless. I get the arguments for using it. What I don't get is when people say BLERGGGH YOU NEED THE OXFORD COMMA OR YOU'RE A BAD PERSON AND YOUR PARENTS DIDN'T LOVE YOU, JFK, OR STALIN
Ugh, the serial comma. Last refuge of the young idealist. People blindly and fervently support it, without actually considering a perfectly plausible counter-argument.
And you know what happens when we don't clean up the house, don't we, sweetie?
The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a gym teacher with a grenade launcher.
In my job sometimes I'm just like "ugh, gonna dog it today." Sometimes I just don't try very hard. WBU?
If he really wanted to effect some change at this restaurant he should have gone on Yelp and left one tenth that much.
illegal? lol, no, in no way shape or form, are you fucking kidding me? if it's illegal for the NFL to view it, then how did it end up on TMZ for literally millions of people including the NFL to view it? stop.
Shorts are the very definition of cool, at least as far as my balls are concerned. #TeamShorts
Yeah but when's the last time FC Zenit was actually good?
Yeah. Michael Sam is such a distraction that I had to read one extra word in a story about him. UNFORTUNATE? Do you know how many syllables that is? Because I sure don't!
When I think Penn State, I definitely think Thriller.
I can't really fault the Golf Channel for this. Live broadcasts are a real pressure-cooker.
Riley Cooper didn't happen in the 60s. But OK, if you're looking for a more contemporary example, Philly fans cheering Michael Irvin's career-ending injury.