
Riley Cooper: No no no...

Well, maybe Riley doesn't want to fight EVERY one...

I doubt Riley even knows about this. If Mike's being super passive aggressive, it's not going to be directed anywhere near his intended target.

I don't get it

This is really touching. She'll be shooting significant others through bathroom doors in no time.

We should be able to win the Gold Cup with Greg Howard in goal so it's all good.

It seeks unspecified money damages.

The Rockies are 49-76. She isn't missing much.

Dickmove but I love it.

You might as well have just said "First!"

there ya' go, a star for being awful.


Maybe Manziel is on the bench for his own sake.

Do you do this all the time or just on the internet?

When you take your girl out for Chipotle and you make it back to your apartment without shitting yourself.

The haircut says "I dig chicks" while the mustache says "did you not fucking hear the haircut?"

The better question is, "Will anyone on earth survive the ejaculation?"

So lots of tongue, got it.

Unfortunately, several people have been lost in the maze because of a stubborn unwillingness to leave the field long past the point of credibility.