
Moreover, it isn't unique these gamers. The argument against Affirmative Action is based upon it's phantom victims (the white kid at the bottom of the yes pile who gets bumped). #notallmen is a strawman based on the false belief that feminism is blaming all men for bad deeds (missing the whole point). The whole

This is valid to a point, but point to one privileged group that's ever raised its hand and said, Yep, too much influence here, that's just about enough for us, thanks.

I'd offer one mild correction. It's true that this is probably the most vitriolic case of unexamined privilege we've seen in a long while, but the double-bind is that even though these are straight white males, they're the straight white males who are at the bottom of the totem pole. They're nurds. This is why

Props to Jim Cook! Great artwork!

Jets fan here.

That was brutal. He should be arrested.

Yes, your comments are definitely living proof of, uh, something. Thanks for stopping by!

ironically enough female strippers have a higher than normal rate of physically abusive fathers.

what is that you say?

Well that's just a whole bunch of sad right there. Sad because she thinks it's a ratings ploy, sad that she defends her husband, sad that it reminds me that even after everything that went down she made that man her husband, sad that it took the second video for this punishment to come down when the first was horrific

As for what socket to put in a weapon go with an emerald, especially later in the game.

That's not how domestic violence laws work, Vin.

That loud sound you hear isn't the sound of applause for this move , it's the sound of the Ravens' collective hamstrings snapping from all that backpedaling.

"Better after there is completely damning evidence released that will destroy our brand than never."

With Amazon Prime price raise and now this, if I had to keep one of them it will be Amazon. almost all the same shows and the ability to rent new releases, along with all the other perks of prime membership

Norway is absolutely, 100% dedicated to the notion of prisoner rehabilitation—-their view of crime and punishment is almost the precise polar opposite of, say, Corrections Corporation of America (don't google it if you still believe the US is a free, First World country.)

It must be nice to be one of those rich people who owns a tree.

I just play games and I am sick of the haters and trolls. The worst is that these trolls genuinely believe they are entitled and justified in their behavior. They think they get to sling mud if they aren't entertained. Or make personal attacks if they are disappointed. It's like they never learned how to communicate

i know of one guy that voted NO for everyone except Tim Raines...because he was an Expos Fan...ugh.

I have the same reaction when I come across one of his pinball machines.