
Please replace Hawk with him!

Not all parents think they need to tip on their children’s meals.” This sentence makes me question the very concept of society.

Me seems like these quests get you inches from 51 and then stop awarding XP :-)

The Mets have the best TV and Radio guys in all of baseball (Vin Scully of course excepted as he is not of this world); it’s not even clear to me who would be in 2nd place.

Why did this take so long? What exactly could have happened in a video proceeding Ray Rice dragging an unconscious woman out of an elevator that would have changed this decision?

Where is Towlie?!?!?!

That is not a believable story; there is no such thing as an "Expos Fan."

For me, the highlight is actually the ballot itself, which looks more like a 3rd grade homework assignment from the 80's than an official ballot for sports' most prestigious honor. That, coupled with the e-mail address and the requirement that members fax in their votes makes it clear that this process has

Do people really feel that way about Santana? I don't think he's been a bust. The teams that he's been on have been busts for sure, but I certainly remember that stretch run in 2008 where Santana won two games in four days despite a turn meniscus. He became a "true Met" that day, at least for me!

@subnet6 Spot on, man. The game is worth $60 as is. If you disagree, don't buy it. Whether or not some combination of 0's and 1's is on the disc or downloaded is a technical detail with zero impact on the game's quality or value.

@SquirrelPhister I figured someone would agree with me; was surprised to see it captured in just 3 words (let alone by someone named Squirrel Phister).

I had a dreamcast back in the day (sometimes wish I still did!). My favorite games were:

Everyone seems to be reacting only to the comments about WoW and not actually answering the question. So as someone who left WoW due to the "awful community," allow me to respond :-)

Probably "Call of Cthulu" (which was really an excellent game). There's this scene where these guys try to murder you in your sleep at a hotel in the beginning . . . priceless and amazing!

NHL 09

I really like Surfing with the Alien, but can't bring myself to buy content for a game that's not Rock Band.

Maybe if we can get the game canceled, it will be like none of those things ever happened.

I agree that the game slowed down in the last half, but disagree about the ending. I found the ending to be incredibly satisfying in terms of story (though perhaps little lackluster in terms of gameplay).