
Some perspective on how historic this is:

That’s how I'd like to be remembered.

Missed the perfect opportunity to snap it to the upback for the nastiest trick play of all time!

When a man who spent the best years of his life being protected by the Pouncey brothers and “slinging” passes to Aaron Hernandez and Percy Harvin refuses to get roped into your dumpster fire, where exactly do you go from there?

“And Noah gathered the dingers, two by two...”

We can’t lose out on his stellar analysis, though.

Yeah, I don’t really understand why they haven’t canned him already. It’s not like he’s even a good analyst.

Can they just fire him at this point? I don’t know if it’s pride getting in the way, but he’s been daring it for months, maybe even years, now. There’s no way he forgot about ESPN giving Caitlyn Jenner an award last summer.

Has there ever been a single case of a transgender person attempting to molest a child in a restroom? I’d be more worried about my kids spending time alone with a Republican wrestling coach.

Wow, you got them all right, in the correct order, the first time! Deadspin writers always fail at that.

But here’s the thing - if the USSF think they’ll be worth more income than the men’s team, that’s more important. They’ve effectively budgeted the women will pull in more money, and they’re still up to stiff them.

TL;DR Only black people are authorities on racism and any white person’s opinion on the matter is invalid.

Step 1. Don’t.

Ok Lifehacker. Time for a “Picasa Replacement Top 5" article!

The Baseball Hall of Fame is not a place for gamblers! It’s a place for racists, philanders, alcoholics and anyone who used PED’s before the arbitrary deadline of 1995.

This “opinion” is stupid and should never appear again. Most people that buy multiplayer games do it only for the multiplayer and get much, much more enjoyment out of it than any damned single player campaign provides.

This might be one of the most disappointing videos I’ve ever seen. I kept waiting for the bear to attack him. Bite him, maul him, whatever, just do what bears do and let this jackanape know that splashing water in their face is a bad idea.

Sometimes what doesnt kill you probably should have just killed you.

It’s like watching two robots with no sense of humor trying to be funny.