
Can you blame him? That was one hell of a tough loss to swallow.

Seems like a pretty insensitive tribute to Jovan Belcher.

If there was a single bright spot last night, it's that it is impossible to take a bad picture of Katherine Webb. If there were two, the other one is that Derrick Henry can RUN, and he's just a freshman so we've got him for a while.

Even though Philly sold all their tickets, three of four Eagles fans will definitely be blacked out.

This is about the only rebuttal we Mariners fans can give. +1

I'm a Mariners fan, so I'm seriously offended by Pete Rose's stupid comment. He really should learn to think before he runs his stupid mouth.

Have hospital trips and death always been this prevalent in boxing, or has it just been more common recently? I feel like I've been hearing about this kind of stuff a lot more in recent months, but is that because it's been happening more, or just being reported more?

compassionate corporations:

Not sure what the problem is Tim. Clearly not helmet to helmet.

Lol... turn off the Fox News for a few minutes a day and face reality my friend.

Was that a joke? Im sorry I can't tell. You didn't have an explanation at the end of it so I'm not sure. Pardon my daftness.

are you an unemployeed conservative talk radio host looking to fill the void in your life by posting on video game internet forums, just get a hit of that sweet conflict and hate that plagues video game internet communities?

Middlebrooks had no time to get out of the way, but he was in the way. Per the rules, yes, he is liable for obstruction. Jim Joyce made not only the correct call, but a fantastic call, one so obvious and critical that even the LF ump saw it go down. Kind of like the scene from Naked Gun, even the guy running the

Wow. This Phil Mushnick guy sure gives journalists an "urban" eye.

"A player who was once quite possibly the best person at hitting baseballs into places defenders weren't"