
Making bombs is bad.

...And so Sally, born of Kotaku, Giz, io9 and then Jezebel and Jalopnik, became a Deadspin reader on that day.

Eh. Wouldn’t be the first time we had a false prophet.


I don't know why but I feel an immense level of satisfaction when you guys rip into a product for whatever reason. Can you make this a weekly feature?

20 years for selling weed. Multiple rapes across multiple states 9 years. must be nice to be rich.


I still play it with my friends on a regular basis. Thank goodness for the HD collection.


I love Age of Empires. I suck so fucking bad at it, but I love it.

Microsoft supporting a fan based creation for a game that’s over 15 years old?

Shiny Weepinbell. My only shiny found in the wild.

In black and White you had those 3 legendary genies sitting on top of a cloud. I got one of them as a shiny. Had no idea it was shiny till i got another one when putting up a random dump pokemon on the global trade network and it was a different colour.

There’s a false equivalence between an offensive racial stereotype and the intolerance of a personal belief.

She’s from an extremely religious family, she has extreme religious values. Working with said values to help her from KILLING HERSELF is not offensive whatsoever. You don’t work with your own fucking ideals to help someone live, you work with their own. It’s not about you. It’s about THEM.

Wait, what’s the negative stereotype with the judgmental religious? Childen of such people are shunned and commit suicide every day. Oh, that’s a trope and a stereotype now, but it still kills real people.

“Who the fuck is Drew Magary?”

He definitely cut himself.

Who the fuck is Drew Magary?