

And lo it was good


:( it took me a looong time to get there, it’s just about out-drifting them and hanging back while they destroy themselves up front. god, I hate those fuckers.

They’re SO FUCKING HARD! I didn’t make it far into the game because it was kicking my ass up and down the block. I don’t know if I’m ready yet to try again haha

I hate hoppers too. The best revenge I have is when I beat all those bastards anyway ;)

braking comes in handy soooo much. Gonna fly off the edge? HIT THAT BRAKE. Gonna hit someone’s butt-item? BRAKE. Gonna hit some road goo? Brake!

Nutz and Bolts?

Don’t be surprised. Donkey Kong is the leader of the bunch, you know him well. He’s finally back to kick some tail. His coconut gun can fire in spurts. And if he shoots ya, it’s gonna hurt

Captain Toad! :D

I just got Mario Party 10 and it isn’t quite the same as previous MP games. You don’t really have an item choice (you get random blocks to hit across the board to give you items), you’re not really competing against others as your goal is to move through the board, and there’s no star moving - just a star at the end

Don't forget other games! Super Mario 3D World and Mariokart 8 are fucking fantastic

Yep, my guy does the same thing. He even thinks the earth is hollow. just whyy

I have to watch a conspiracy theorist every day at my job. Yesterday I mentioned to a coworker how I felt bad for Britney Spears after her meltdown, to which he replied, "Oh, that one died. There's still two more of her out there, I'm not sure where the other is."

Sad to admit I owned this one, given to me as a gift. Cost $60. whyyyy

They make the pudding ones too and oh my god

This also works for cookies! Seriously, makes them as soft as the day they were made. This is my favorite food trick :D

Hipster :p

"Just one girly at the tourny..." omg