
No no no. “Get off the Internet” by Le Tigre. 

Oh? I spent a good chunk of my childhood there. So, yeah very much same but maybe with a dash of meth? It’s been awhile.

I don’t care if you have already gotten several messages like this already, but fuck you. 

Ok, but Humbolt is full of weirdos. Maybe he was just trying to get to Ashland for the Shakespeare festival? That would explain the sword. 

This. I am not sorry about any of these anti science asshats getting covid, but I worry about the people who work in their homes. Residence White House staff have caught it. I’m sure these guys have housekeepers and drivers and such. They don’t deserve it and I guarantee their medical care isn’t as good. 

One time at the zoo I saw one giraffe drink another giraffe’s pee mid stream and then squirt it back out between its teeth like a cheeky statue. That was pretty wild. 

You don’t think he was given all those drugs? He’s mid-seventies, obese, with high cholesterol and high BP, doesn’t exercise, eats terribly, and rages constantly. If he weren’t POTUS this would be a death sentence. They’re doing a Hail Mary. 

I was so tired of this shit the moment it started after the election. It useless unproductive whining. But now? Shame every last mother fucker. Mother fuckers better mother fucking vote for mother fucking Joe fucking Biden if they give a shit about anything.

God fucking damnit. 

Just curious, how many Obama officials have been locked up during the Trump administration vs how many Trump officials have been locked up during the Trump administration?

Of course they are after last time.  As should we all. 

It is really excellent, esp if you are a theater lover. His greatest talent is just allowing the guests to talk. My husband listens to Alec Baldwin’s podcast and Tennant’s is similar but 100% less self importance. I couldn’t get past his love of the sound of his own voice, so this one is great for the both of us to

At this point even if they all did do that, after 45 said he was taking hydrochloroquin I would just assume they’re being injected with a B-12 shot.

Have you listened to his podcast? Olivia Coleman is the first guest. 


I hate everyone behind it individually, but I love their collective petty asses for the next 72 days. 

I don’t know what this is and now I feel dumb. 

Please tell a woman who looks like Kamala who grew up in Oakland in the 70s that she is not black. 

One can only hope. 

And didn’t lie about it at every turn.