
GOP leaders aren’t talking about 3rd presidential terms, undermining election results and security, praising violent dictators when the effectively abolished democracy in their county, and have been confirmed to have colluded with a foreign adversary to influence an election. The extra spice that Trump brings to

You’re right, but it would be the best day in probably close to a decade if my parents told me they’re still republicans and we still disagree on pretty much everything but that they now hate Trump. 

I am so sorry to inform you of this too late, but you don’t have to chop onions for stock. Quartering is more than enough! If they’re enormous you can do 8ths, but those are the ones that are as big as a toddler’s head. It’s also a good idea to start the stock with chicken only, and skim all the impurities (not the

It’s a pretty fucking dumb strategy to wait until people start getting kicked out of their homes. And by fucking dumb I mean perfectly on brand. 

If I may suggest the podcast Fierce, specifically the episode on Jeannette Rankin. It is quickly becoming one of my favorites.

Would prefer this to reality. Going to go engage in the most depressing maladaptive daydreaming ever! 

Oh you sweet summer child. 

Clinton’s policies were actually hugely harmful to a lot of people. I understand supporting them at the time, but supporting them now is not really something I would be saying out loud in this kind of audience. 

I agree completely, but moderates like him. The Biden campaign is just about defeating Trump by any means necessary. I also agree that beating Trump is the priority, but Jesus Christ can we not trot out serial sexual harassers and probable abusers? Fuuuuuuck this party, y’all. I fucking hate being a democrat right

That didn’t work so well for them in 2016. Aaron Sorkin is problematic AF, but his line from The Newsroom is so depressingly perfect: “If liberals are so fucking smart, how come they lose so goddamn always?”

Crossing fingers it will indeed be AOC. 

I can only speak for myself, but it is less “giving him a pass” than it is “rooting for anyone making Kellyanne’s life more difficult.”

Very strange, I intended to respond to the OP! I don’t disagree with you about the snark. Lots of times it is just mean and judgey. She often just sounds fucking bitter that celebs have money and resources yet have the audacity to have human feelings.

I am loathe to defend Joan, but I imagine dirt bag content is a bit difficult to scrounge up these days. That said, her dirt bags are the worst.

I made him a birthday cake once and if I get the opportunity to again I’ll be sure to put my request in frosting. 

As a happily married person with no advanced degree, your accomplishment is vastly more important and celebration worthy. Congratulations and go fucking you. Seriously. You are amazing. 

What a cunt. 

Expensive luggage is a scam. I have a nice delsey 8 wheeler that I got on eBay for like $60. Best part is it isn’t 50/50 compartments, it’s like 80/20 so you don’t have to wrestle a heavy half closed and you can live out of it like a drawer if your hotel/airbnb/friend’s guest room is lacking in storage.

I can’t do it. Pooping in public bathrooms is a last resort. I’ve got to be dying. Portapotties? I would rather die. I fear the backsplash of any toilet that is not my own. 

Suitcases are for anytime I’m on a plane. Who wants to carry a backpack all day?? (I have a bad back/neck.) The thing is most of the time when you travel there are laundry facilities available. I’ve travelled for two plus weeks with inclement weather and still managed carry-on only. I haven’t checked a bag since the