
Although I generally agree with your assessment of the game, and I dislike the direction of it, I find it hard to swallow a review of quake from someone who can’t strafe jump.

Tempers do run high.

Dust 2 isn’t even in active duty anymore. What’s the point of just talking shit if you obviously know nothing about the current state of the game?

This is unsubstantiated nonsense.

You are correct, but it must not be forgotten that he was up against a legitimately terrible candidate. The two party system is broken and archaic and that’s the true message of this election that no one seems to be talking about. Democrats and Republicans are working really both represent the same thing: perpetuating

Here’s the problem: preachy games are not fun and most people know that. Bioshock rode that line and only barely got away with it. No one is going to buy your game because it’s more about message than gameplay. At least that’s the perception based on the marketing. I see this YouTube trailer and immediately write it

God what a horrible embarrassment this article is. This video is terrible. It’s cloying saccharine garbage that’s poorly executed. Also it’s click bait. You literally did nothing but post a video someone else made. Might as well just be looking at a Facebook feed.

All this stuff about highlights and lowlights etc intimates to me that you are going to continue to forego actual in depth analysis for popcorn fluff. If you want to build a community with longevity around esports it will have to have a little more to it that passing around noscope gifs. You have to make people want


Wasn’t Kotaku going to hire someone to do actual esports coverage? You know, breaking down why tournaments went down the way they did, the stories of individual teams, what makes them good, what makes them bad etc? Some sort of actual coverage of events that goes beyond “check out this 360 noscope”? You know, actual

Have you actually played a videogame before? Skyward sword over tloz. Are you kidding me? The motion controls were cool? Is this an April fool’s joke? How do you write videogame reviews? Why would anyone trust the opinion. Of someone who counts playing as a wolf as a plus? This article is drivel pumped out to fill

Punching a fascist is, in itself fascism. You are literally exerting physical violence on someone for what they think rather than an action they’ve taken. We can argue all day about when words become actions, but that isn’t even a concern in the assertion that it’s OK to “punch a fascist.” It doesn’t require that they

Not to be that guy but... As a drummer I’m not convinced The bass is wrong also. Definitely the best I’ve seen in a videogame though!

Remember videogames? VIDEOGAMES

Hey. This show isn’t for you. It’s not for me either but who cares? Do you remember Baywatch? Did you know that porn exists? You are a prude and you’re over intellectualizing something that it is a waste of time to talk about. Don’t you think that more people will search out and watch that show now that you’ve posted

This article should be called “Some of the things that ruined Rogue One.”

Well then that was the best. It’s been a while.

False. Bunnyhopping. QED

“That randomness doesn’t really matter though when it comes to Justice League Action, though, because it really has no real story to it.”

My god what about the horrible articles on every damn Gawker site? My god...