
“probably true” should be “proveably true” but I can’t see how to edit a damn post on kinja.

This post is indecipherable. You are saying that you don’t care who I support in the election, but you don’t like that I’m on the “same side as the hateful bastards that got elected.” This appears to be a contradiction and if it’s not then it at least requires some explanation or context. Either way you make several

You are a cuck.

The assumption that I’m a republican is telling of how diminutive the boxes are that you desperately try to fit the world into.

Let me add to what I originally said that MDE have now posted a video refuting the claim that there were ever swazzis in World Peace. The lack of any update on this article is further evidence that Jezebel would rather post whatever unsubstantiated inflammatory garbage that will get shares from sjws than report on

My name is Matthew Simon Underwood, I’m a 29 year old white male that lives in Sacramento, CA.

Though I don’t see the jealousy comparison and can only assume that you have some mental model you are referencing that isn’t as universal as you think it is, jealousy may be an appropriate descriptor for what many people who don’t understand the their place in the current social conversation in America. In hindsight

My advice is to keep brandishing your self important smug attitude at anyone who challenges your limited worldview because it will never stop being hilarious.

You have to realize that half brained posts like these are what legitimize their “edginess.” These butthurt posts are their end goal. You have been successfully trolled by mde by way of Jezebel, who was also successfully trolled. You look like a fool to anyone with perspective enough to see mde’s actual motive which

This show isn’t for you, it’s for idiots. Idiots deserve happiness too. This is a deplorable article.


Or just delete every critical comment, whatever.

Yeah it was terrible. It did a good job of showcasing the threadbare commentary accompanying glorified reposts that pass for internet “journalism.” Quasi articles are garbage. Just either write an article, like this one, or make a repost without trying to dress it up in limp wristed commentary. Save your word count

This article sucks. You are just explaining a YouTube video and offer little commentary or research. Valve is garbage but I’ve been playing GO since it came out and the only one of these bugs I’ve seen in an actual match is the smoke bug. I doubt if it’s ever even been taken advantage of in a game I was in. If

This article is much more researched and thought out than your last CS article. Thanks.

How about, instead of a collection of tweets made by someone else, an actual analysis? How about some thoughts on one of the great stories behind these Titans that faced off? Maybe something about how Navi were on there way out of the top tier just a few months ago until they snatched Simple away from Liquid where he

Hopefully the developers are actually good at making games. A good idea is only a tiny part of the process. Variety will be key here.

A game with a novel mechanic. Hype!


OK. This game was a great game but it was ruined by all the shit they threw on top of it. This game and FFX were the reasons that in this era Game Informer would start listing cutscene length as A Star in their reviews. The idea was that more was better. I remember them saying that it’s like a whole movie on top of