
I starred like 5 of your posts in this thread but just wanted to say you made a great argument and shouldn’t feel bad about it. Calling it evil might be a bit much, but is, at least, not great journalism IMO.

Stop it with the disrespect, fakeFetus. It actually creates many problems. I’ve seen a few articles where a trans-gendered girls won competitions against natural-born girl athletes. Your natural-born sex puts you at different advantages/disadvantages.

I’m not being transphobic at all. Your blind acceptance of trans

These guys are all sensitive highly emotional kids. Nothing you said was wrong, you just hurt their feelings with facts.

“The second is that she is a woman.”

Trans-phobia is a hatred toward transgendered. Nothing Barcode questioned displayed any hatred toward a trans-woman. Blind acceptance as a man masquerading as a woman has real-world implications on society, and they are more serious than your feelings.

Very well-written without any flames about trans people. My respect for that.

Would you feel the same way if this was sports instead of esports? If Scarlett were to, say, run a 19.87 200m, would you be comfortable with saying she was the first woman to run a sub 20 second 200m? Barcode’s inelegant and borderline transphobic with his comment, but he’s not completely without reason to question

Barcode was spot on. It’s almost the same in every other different type of competitive game genre. In Street Fighter for example, there really isn’t any female player that stands out. Same with League of Legends, anyone remember the “Sirens” a few years back, they were an all female team that were squashed by the

You know what’d make this keyboard really cool? A fucking numpad.

My god what about the horrible articles on every damn Gawker site? My god...

You have to realize that half brained posts like these are what legitimize their “edginess.” These butthurt posts are their end goal. You have been successfully trolled by mde by way of Jezebel, who was also successfully trolled. You look like a fool to anyone with perspective enough to see mde’s actual motive which