
It's not exact, but he sort of looks like a Cosian, like Tera Sinube from The Clone Wars.

Both, I think. As in: the puppet's operator is disguised as something weird.

It's Luke's homeworld, tho.

NONE of their proportions make sense.

And that's the key point here. Some figures are so larger-than-life that they are best viewed from the vantage point of others, whose stunned reactions can better get across just what it's like to encounter something like Godzilla.

I guess. It seemed comparable to the prose in other YA novel.

Right? Like she's a teenager or something.

My guess is the thinking that if it's "molecularly unstable" it can be easily change into something else? Except the transformers don't really shape-shift in that way, they're just built so that their components fold up inside them.

EDIT: Oh, no, I'm stupid. The molecular instability is meant to explain how they mimic

Oh! I'm also working on this actual comic, called D.M.C., which takes place in an alternate history 1985 NYC full of superheroes and vigilantes that serve mostly the rich while the city goes to shit. In this alternate history, Run-D.M.C. never becomes a thing, and Darryl McDaniels becomes a superpowered hip-hop

This is my dream come true.

There were no breastplates in 300, silly. Except on the bad guys. Armor is for the weak, or something.

I just figured the Watchers accidentally hastened us towards a post-apocalypse. After all, he specifies ten generations since Adam.

Really a big fan of the visual representation of Adam & Eve's "glory," which they lost when eating the Fruit. Reading reactions from Christian groups that amounted to, "AND APPARENTLY ADAM AND EVE ERE GLOWING SPACE ALIENS OKAY YEAH WHATEVER" was annoying.

Yeah the birds thing was a cheat, but the rest just followed man's ancestors.

I'm gonna go with no, as it's not actually a human skin tone.

If I'm not mistaken, they mention the name George Taylor.

Okay all you really need to do is James Franco's cure for Alzheimer's seems to make apes really intelligent but makes humans go nuts and then braindead. It's also a virus. Franco's neighbor gets infected with it, and he's an airline pilot, so basically the whole country is effed. Caesar led a revolution, stealing more