I 100% back a studio that would say, “No, we don’t want a misogynistic, racist drunk directing, producing or being associated with any of our films.”
I 100% back a studio that would say, “No, we don’t want a misogynistic, racist drunk directing, producing or being associated with any of our films.”
I was hoping “drug violations that are actually not drug violations” would be linked.
Watch more hockey.
He’ll probably be up all night with this existential meltdown, not sleep, and therefore be Soren the morning.
W was much more a statist than people either realize or admit. Set aside the wars for a second and concentrate on domestic policy (While the wars were terrible, realize that Democrats are in bed with the military-industrial complex like the Republicans are, though obviously not to the same degree. There was…
I’d think it would be fairly easy to implement and police a policy like “Once an athlete competes for a country in an international meet (continental championships, Olympics, whatever else) that is non-collegiate meet and above youth level, the athlete cannot compete for another country.”
John Lucas II and John Lucas III
+1 Feats of Strength
Best I can do for you is Somalia.
I asked my wife about moving to TRAPPIST-1. From our conversation, Chimay choose planet D or Chimay choose planet G.
Kill me. Ugh, Woody Harrelson. Please kill me.
Gibbs them a break; they don’t take anyone for Granit that they Cech as a good player.
I had (admittedly unrealistic) hopes that Disney would just ban Jar Jar to the prequel trilogy and leave it at that. Does nobody over there realize he was the ultimate unnecessary character?
Mandatory fat guy number in rec league softball.
Any truth to the accepted story of President Reagan forcing a rewind of Back To The Future so he could laugh (again) at a joke at his own expense?
Shouldn’t the headline here be something along the lines of “Craven LeBron James”?
This is awesome and needs to be expanded to other sports.
Didn’t NEED Houston’s help exactly. But it’s a little like looking at a classmate’s essay before you turn in your exam. If you see that you both noted the same things, great. If the other person mentioned things you forgot, then you can redo before turning it in.
It is hilarious that people are JUST NOW getting annoyed with Brady, just because of Trump. The dude is an egotistical frat dude who was annoying 15 years ago.