
They are 147kg for the 2AR, and 160kg for the 8AR. A 28 pound difference. The chassis is the same, as well as the interior for the most part, and although the external differences would have an effect, all told the weight difference would probably not be too extreme for the stated hybrid system.

Two issues with that statement.

Get a grey honda civic si from 2006-2011, then take all the visible si parts off and upgrade the suspension. you’ll look boring, but also have a drive thats slightly less then boring

So the Initial D wheel lift over the gutter is possible

The only one from past the e46 I’d want is the e9x m3. That v8 is so nice, in a pretty tight chassis

They both look so good. I almost wish BMW could start a specialty factory of just the golden oldies

MY2002, edited for clarity

A MY2002 bmw. But i’m also in my 20s. In retrospect, I’m actually kind of surprised that’s the oldest one.

This hurts my head

It had better be at the very least float-able.

How about twitter just takes one for the team and shuts down? Signalling used to be so hard, having to send out official statements and getting the military to move around to tell the other side what you think. Now it’s just too easy. #21stcenturyproblems

People complain this is an eyesore, when they’re own houses are shit holes. It’s not ruining the appeal of your garbage suburb, if anything it’s a little interesting and breaks up the monotony of your drab existence. 

I consider the mission a failure, and I used the wrong word for your pedantic ass. If you understood it, I got my point across. Nothing more important than that.

Tell me about it. What happened to the level heads.

Semantics is fun isn’t it? Would you rather I had said “level of success”? Did you understand what I said? Yes? Than you can fuck off. You literally had nothing constructive, you just look like an ass.

That comment is disgusting. You can criticize the success of a mission regardless of whether anyone is killed, and arguably more so when there are causalities.

Now there’s a book I haven’t seen in a long time. I should go dust it off and read it again.

That’s right, but others did. There are many means to progress, many are just not visible. This attitude you have is pretty counter productive. Attack from all sides, not just one.

I honestly don’t understand how progressives don’t get this. Its like we forget that the civil rights movement wasn’t instantaneous, or gay rights too an extremely long time to come to fruition. By removing ourselves from any areas of influence, we damn ourselves to failure.

Thinking back to how much I thrashed my parents last gen xc70 on back roads, tightened suspension sounds like a good idea on a boat like that.