new combustion technology, you say?
Do you have a link that describes what this is “supposed” to do? All I could find was PR trash, and it looks pretty hokey
Soviet sailors, for being conscripts and poorly trained(relative), were very hardy and courageous sailors
Fair enough, odds are not likely that the reactor would stay critical.
In terms of control rod failure, especially on Soviet naval reactors, the probability is pretty high that they would not be inserted in an emergency of the magnitude of a capsizing. Many older generation reactors, such as the two used on K-219, did not have gravity or spring-assisted control rod insertion, they would…
not necessarily true, if for whatever reason the coolant loop was broken and fresh sea water entered the reactor vessel, AND if the control rods were not lowered, the reactor would keep running while pushing water filled with radio-isotopes out. Chances are low, but still a possibility.
When I read the title, I was thinking of the Tautog and K108, or the countless other instances of collisions.
I don’t apologize. So you’re not really able to accept it. What makes you think I’m silent? I probably have more of an effect, by positioning people and ideals in positions of legitimacy, while you devolve to screaming and demeaning people, which simply entrenches their regressive beliefs. Also, how did the whole…
If I’m the misguided and pompous half, you’re the loud-mouthed, bossy, repellent and pushy half. So what’s your point? And this coming from the person saying “While I inspire change”. That’s pretty fucking pompous. All I’m recommending is don’t attack the person, attack the idea. But I guess that doesn’t satisfy your…
Evidently you have no idea how subversion works, but I guess all you can dream about is looking like the hero, and feeling the part, as opposed to actually accomplishing the real goal. Like I said, children don’t belong in adult games. But I guess you are useful, you certainly distract the stone-age ideologues enough…
As long as you don’t hinder the more effective work of others, I couldn’t care less what you do.
I literally said wait, these people will fucking DIE. At least the subtle work that I’m doing is helping the cause, rather than your bluster which is only regressive. Instead of giving into your emotions and raging to make yourself feel good, maybe actually do something useful for once. And admit when you’re wrong…
Your instant assumption that I’m religious and transphobic shows you are just as reactionary as those who you hate. I am neither, and am in fact as far opposite of that as possible. People hate change, shoving it to them will not make them truly believe your ideals. Maybe if people were less like you, we’d have actual…
It’s this kind a reactionary response that cause people to become more regressive. Grow the fuck up, and play the long game. Eventually these people will die out, and gender pronouns will be respected. Trying to bend other people to your will only strengthens their resolve.
You don’t hunt varmints with any C-130 except the AC-130 Spectre gunship, which is based on the C-130 transport plane in this video. Before spouting off your knowledge based from video games, perhaps research is a good idea. C-130s do many things, most of which is all about moving people to hard to reach places.
Nobody said the pilots are rookies. They are probably pros, but if they are practicing for something that might happen in Manhattan, what better place to train then over Manhattan?
The real treat is that BMW purposely tried to engineer a flat torque curve. The S65 is a good example.
For a second thought the red “mouth” was the official paint job