
Buddy, if it has a manual or DCT, it won’t vary RPM while maintaining speed. Congrats on your lack of critical thinking skills.

But when they take literally 30 min to pass (happened to me on 401 eastbound), they can get bent. Most don’t do that, but enough do that it causes headaches(and accidents).

Wait, hybrid with a manual?

No shit expect the unexpected. But you’re a bad driver if you purposefully cause confusion. It’s so simple, what part don’t you understand? Are you just being recalcitrant for the sake of argument?

I saw it first time, so maybe you aren’t very observant.

I don’t even think this is a response for me. But anyways, if in any way, shape or form you impede or cause confusion in traffic, you are being a bad driver. It is still up to others to not crash, but if you do this you’re not helping. The concept is simple, so I don’t understand how a couple people aren’t getting it.

Yeah, I can see that. What’s your point?

0:09 seconds you can see the bus had a stop sign, so maybe you should hone your observation skills. Also, the road had no visible signs or markings saying the dashcam car or BMW had to stop. I even checked with Maps because I know where this is. Like, it’s literally in the video, take five seconds to look.

In no way am I blaming the dashcam car for the crash, BMW was totally at fault. Also, the BMW seeing the bus wasn’t the issue, it was him passing on the right. I’m just agreeing with Miles in that the dashcam car did something they shouldn’t have as well, even if it wasn’t as bad, and that it still technically

And you chose literally the least safe option? Within this specific circumstance, not letting the bus in is obviously the safest choice. Even though it is marginally less safe to let it in, you literally are contradicting yourself by stating take the safest option, but let the bus in. Figure it out, then come back.

Yeah, you’re just wrong. The bus had no right of way, and was not in danger of being hit. By allowing the bus in, the dashcam car was violating the rules of the road and was ACTUALLY making it less safe for everybody else by being unpredictable and disrupting traffic flow. When it comes to driving, don’t be nice and

Fuck, you beat me to the punch

Until it’s on the streets in the people’s hands, it’s pretty much irrelevant. I’m looking at you Kia GT4 Stinger.

Does its weight feel noticeable when driving? does it feel big and sluggish, or is it tight enough that it can still handle without making you worry you entered a corner too fast?

“Italian styling” “performance” “Heritage”

My mom’s volvo xc70 (in Canada) from 2008 has black seatbelt buttons.

The level of calm from the guys filming is insane. I don’t know if I could have done the same.

My thoughts exactly. Almost every car advertised is done with bhp, not whp. Plus, ultimately if the overall performance is as advertised, you got what you paid for.

Not completely true. Because of background radiation, any steel made after the first test of nuclear weapons (Trinity) has a radiation level equal to the background levels at the time and place of smelting. Therefore, for sensitive equipment, steel is gathered from sources such as ships that here sunk either before or