
That’s because our politicians are fucking cowards. Obama is one of the biggest ones. Not that a republican would be much better.

The loss of human life is horrorific, as is all of the abuse and torture and rape that many people have to endure, but it feels like a special layer of evil to go that extra step and try to erase millenia of history and culture. That doesn’t just affect the people of that region or the current generation, but it

I don’t get it.

And you just know he endured unspeakable torture during that month he was under their captivity as they tried to get him to spill where the artifacts were hidden. I mean, they would have killed him anyway, but it would have stopped the pain earlier. So props to him for not bowing to them and simeltaneously ruining his

A real-life Indiana Jones who refused to tell those butchers where some important artifacts were hidden.

Why does no one ever mention Virtuosity?

This is a blog, it is chock-full of silly bullshit which may or may not be to your taste and if you spent any longer than a day on this place that should be incredibly apparent. It has always been this way, it will continue to be this way barring any Hulkamania-related outages. If you want serious business, go to

Not only did he inform my sense of music and animation in general but it was one of my earliest comedy influences. Timing, unexpected twists, unrivaled pacing, irreverent phrasing and great observations on human behavior are all hallmarks of his hilarious universe.

A master of the art. Chuck Jones is one of those creators that the art can’t be reproduced. It’s hard to pinpoint all of the stuff that made it great, but it’s instantly recognizable, and very hard to replicate. Great analysis as always from Tony Zhou.

Chuck Jones is a God somewhere else in the universe....deservedly so.

I have been wondering when they’re going to rename this GIZMi09.

Now playing

If you can copy posts from io9, then I can copy my comments:

wow. didn’t realize they cut a lot of stuff out since i saw them as a kid. shame the millennials didn’t get to grow up on un-edited looney tunes. sometimes i feel we Gen Xers were the last generation to get to have a real, unsanitized childhood.

During the 1990s and 2000s I tried to watch an old Looney Tunes cartoon on the television and each episode was so cut up and watered down that it wasn’t even worth watching any longer. Most of the episodes didn’t even make sense after all the violent scenes were taken out. The producers ended up making newer, more

Chuck Jones colored my childhood Saturday mornings in a way that has stayed with me in a love of music and animation throughout my life.

As Bruce he did create jobs. Wayne Enterprise was large and had its hand in many things. He funded schools and hospitals.

Gotham city is not based on modern LA or Chicago, the criminals are usually all white,not poor and with genious level intellect and fortunes of their own. Too bad that recent comics and games feature Batman fighting street “gangstas” and drug dealers for the sake of realism but that is not how Gotham should be, Gotham

Batman is definitely not right-wing. He is always portrayed as hating firearms and is constantly funding charities that directly benefit the poor, as well taking an active hand in the rehabilitation of the mentally ill. Hell— in The Dark Knight Returns, arguably the most brutal, “right wing” depiction of Batman— one

You're the person that shows up when they say, "Should've sent a poet," aren't you? *sheds single tear of joy*

When I got hurt last year and I was home bound, I had the girl who came in each morning make me scrambled eggs and bacon. For two months. Sigh.