
That's because this article was posted 3 years ago.

Why is this article, posted 12/20/10 (honestly io9, what kind of future do you come from where you still use the very-difficult-to-decode-without-context mm/dd/yy style of writing dates), the fourth top story on io9's front page at 3am (EST) 26 December 2013?

Why the hell is a 3 year old eclipse story coming up as a top story? WTF KINJA STAHP

Yes, and then he uploaded it to YouTube, a horizontal video player.

Any genre that can encapsulate anything from lo-fi black metal and stoner doom to power metal and thrash is a flexible genre indeed.

Man, I hope he never needs to upgrade components

Because Thugs go to cops to solve their problems?

A dungeon-crawling, action-RPG like Diablo, on a mobile platform?? Nooooooooooooooo thank you. That has disaster written all over it.

with graphics like that, it pretty much had to be for mobile platform.

I was excited for this until the word, "Mobile."

dude, 'real metal' is such a vast and diverse genre that it's almost meaningless as a label. The thing that's so great about metal is that it's so diverse that pretty much anyone can find some sub-genre they can enjoy.

Whilst it's very well done, it barely qualifies as a case mod. The fact that there's a computer in there is almost irrelevant, as shown by the lack of care about whether it's usable.
Had he just taken a large metal box and done this, the work itself would have been very impressive still, whilst accomplishing the same

amazing but hes losing out on some screen space >.<

It's so he doesn't void the warranty. Duh.

I get the same vibe. It looks like he glued every broken toy he could muster to his PC.

Then why waste money putting a computer in it?

A perfect example of form over function. Glorious, but not very practical.

Looks like the Nazis just invaded his desktop.

Thank you! I think it's ridiculous that everyone would be so surprised that he isn't 100% pure evil. And the righties over on other sites now singing his praises are just as ridiculous. He did something good, that's great! Doesn't mean he didn't do something horrid before.