

Did they try turning the car off and then back on again?

Jesus Herschel Christ, WHY IS THAT A THING?

Hypocritical how?

Dude, I am part conservative and part libertarian, and even I can see that you are 100% idiot. Join the goddamn 21st century, will ya? Christ.

You, sir/ma'am/other, deserve a medal.

If you find a way I hope you post it here, I too would love to play that game again.

I think what you think other people think is all in your imagination. That, or you're confusing their imaginings with what you imagine they really think.

Yes! That's the one. God I loved that game. There I was in my F-4 Phantom, when I was jumped by 15 MiG-21's...

Bunch of post-new-age hippy horseshit. Guys, c'mon, Stuart Smalley was a parody, not a paragon. Get it right.

Thank you jach for the very informative response. So, no vector image formats — not even Photoshop image files (seriously?). In fact, no layered image formats of any kind.

What happens if I upload a file that's not an image, do they just delete it? What if I upload something with the .jpg or .png extension but isn't actually an image, will they look inside the file's contents to determine if it's an image or not? What about uncommon image formats, like Paint Shop Pro's layered .psp

Agreed. It's fine toasted, but plain soft white bread is pretty bleh.

It's used in a sandwich for the same reason it's used in a salad: As a filler, and for texture. It's the OTHER stuff that provides the flavor and (occasionally) nutrition.

The heavily processed and prepackaged "cheese like food product" is nasty, but real American cheese from a good deli makes an awesome sandwich-topper.


Why'd you ruin it with pickles? :(

If by ketchup you mean mustard, I completely agree. :D

Bacon and eggs has never, in my 42 years, been wrong. Not once. If my enemy just so happens to think the same way I do, then we have something in common. And only by realizing that what we have in common is greater than what divides us, can we ever truly know peace.

Don't be stupid. If we can all achieve both those goals, regardless of chronological existence, then — and ONLY then — can we have a mature conversation.