When an entire country is going crazy over one documented case of something that can't spread at all
When an entire country is going crazy over one documented case of something that can't spread at all
I think you're on to something.
And if that doesn't help, imagine Obama trying to appoint a replacement for, say, Ruth Bader Ginsburg with a Republican Senate in the way.
"My kid needs to be fed", "my kid needs fed" are functionally the same. The missing "to be" is obviously implicit, if not precisely grammatically correct. Perhaps your reading comprehension needs oiled. :)
Phew! Empty pizza boxes and vodka bottles aren't on the list. Saving throw successful.
I vote outdoor grill. Shell it, de-vein it, and fire it UP.
Mayo on a fried chicken sandwich is AWESOME.
Yeah, because an Iron Cross is totally the same as a swastika...
"Old" is pretty subjective. For some, "old" means retirement age or greater. For millennials, I'm probably "old" at 42. But anyway, assuming I'm old (since if I'm "middle-aged" that means I'll live to be 84 which given my oh-so-not-healthy living is extraordinarily unlikely), I'll take a crack at this...
I hate playing "myself" in these things, because the most interesting thing about me is my collection of off-kilter pants.
Must be something wrong with Kinja today, I can only give you one star...
What, all four of you never heard of wikipedia?
My apologies for only being able to give your post one star.
"Good job.....not!" - are you a time traveler from 1991?
@intheweeds: Amen! Professional pride is a must, even when you're doing a job you don't like. Remember, how you carry out your job says nothing about the customer you may be trying to spite, and everything about you as a human being. Also, it's the whole "do unto others" thing, which, religious or not, is still a…
Absolute truth. I've often said, "I don't live to work, I work to live". Usually when I say that to someone, they immediately stop and think, then slowly start to nod in the manner of someone who has just learned the profound truth that the Earth is indeed spherical and not a flat disk.
"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
Very well said. Thank you for articulating that idea.
Oh, the irony.