
“He was immediately booted from the club.” They only condone driving around slowly with 600 go-pros on each each car and then circle jerking to the footage afterwards.

There is no such thing as over-qualified, only people afraid of someone who knows more than they do.

I am an engineer. I work with engineers, I have interviewed hundreds of engineers.

I take strong issue with the president grouping civilian law enforcement officers and military personnel together in this.

Engineers are kind of notorious for being insufferable know-it-alls

Do these people stand up and salute the flag when they’re watching at home? Why not? If they dvr the game, do they fast forward through the anthem? My guess is they do. Could it be that the people in an uproar over this don’t actually give a shit, want athletes held to a higher standard than themselves, and just want

I interviewed at a major bank a few weeks ago for a system integration position. After I sent them my resume though, they told me I was too entrepreneurial. I laughed. The same bank offered me manager of database marketing 15 years ago.

I’d pay $100 just to see Obama, for once, answer a question about one of these inane ‘controversies’ with the “Jesus, who the fuck CARES?” that it deserves.

My Dad was on a men’s over forty all star team in the mid nineties and pitched an inning against the Silver Bullets. He was booed viciously by the crowd after allowing only one hit and no runs.

Is that so because from my experience, those of us in foreign lands have a lot of respect of Obama. The man pretty much undid 8 years of the idiocy that was the Bush administration. Heck, even today when you compare him to the likes of former Canadian PM S. Harper, former British PMs David Cameron and T. Blair, and

I love this man and I support his work

You know what this proves? That genies are assholes. You just know that this owner stumbled upon a magic lamp, gave it a little rub and poof! They get three wishes. Wish number one was, “I wish the damn squirrels stopped stealing the food out of my bird feeder.”

Speak for yourself. At least five nights a week, I wake up in a cold sweat from having yet another nightmare about Ms. Click’s disrespect for the First Amendment. Sometimes she’s a Godzilla-sized monster, trampling student journalists and TV news crews like bugs beneath her massive feet. Other times she’s

She is trash. If she held conservative opinions people here would be clamoring for her to be beheaded.

And yet both of the presidential candidates think fracking is an acceptable way to destroy the environment. Must be nice getting paid by oil industry lobbyist.

I can explain some base principles at work here as a geotechnical engineer/geology nerd/seismicity geek. I also work with drilling in the field on a regular basis for my work (for geotechnical investigations and improvements, sometimes installing monitoring or exploratory wells, not for oil or gas work...but there are

I can’t believe I just watched 15 seconds of a soccer player running around the field with someone in close proximity to him and he didn’t throw himself on the ground and grab his calf and start screaming.

Bees wax? From the Norwegian town of Nunya?

Here is how you defend against lasers